Bloody Kisses - Daniela Dimitrescu

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Tucked away in a cozy corner of the castle library, you bury yourself into a book your Miss Daniela so happily recommended. You could never deny the delightful girl of anything. So, when she busted into your chamber this morning with a book in hand and a grin as bright as the rising spring sun spread across her black lips, you could not find the heart to say no to her wide golden eyes and lovely smile. Honestly, you don't mind. Reading provides you with a way to entertain yourself during your work breaks.

She asked you to begin reading the novel about star-crossed lovers while she went out with her sisters for the day. The trio begged their Mother to allow them to go on a hunt the night before after spotting the first signs of spring. Each daughter adores their home uniquely, but being cooped in for the long winter months becomes draining at some point.

The library's deliciously warm this afternoon. Toasty and comforting enough to send an overworked maiden nodding off into a deep sleep. The sunbeams down on the ceiling window, adding warmth yet keeping you from sleep as its golden light shines into the corners of the library, usually hidden in the dark.

The story's not so bad, a bit over romantic for your tastes, but if your Lady Daniela adores it, the tale must be worth your attention. Knowing her, she'll probably tackle you with affection the second she gets home, gripping your hand with a grin as she floods your sense with questions about your reading. You never mind her enthusiasm, though, merely smiling at her excitement and admiring her lovable rants.

As your eyes flicker across the page rich with animated words, the familiar scattered buzzing of your girlfriend's flies hums into your senses. They zoom from the entrance connected to the Hall of Joy to the golden embroidered armchair you rest upon, mimicking the sound of a car speeding past your ears. Joyus giggles follow after the buzzing, not pausing until Lady Daniela's swarm materializes into her womanly form in front of you.

"Miss me?" She teases while dropping herself upon your lap so that she's lying across your thighs.

The taller woman grins up at you, showing off the remains of her successful hunt.

"Every second of the day. I'm surprised you came back so early." You respond, leaning over the left side of the chair to lower the book upon the small round table beside you.

A deep, relaxed hum rumbles from her chest at your response. She rubs her cheek against your shoulder, smearing hardening blood against your white maiden's suit. Despite the stain now etched upon your daily wear, you lower your hand to her hood, tugging the material back to access your partner's hair.

"Mother told us to come back before the sun began to set-something about it not being safe because of the Lycans. Cassandra and I wanted to stay out for longer, but Bela forced us to come home." Miss Daniela shrugs absentmindedly.

She focuses her attention on the gentle fingers combing through her tangled hair and massaging her scalp. Her eyes flutter shut as she enjoys the special treatment. You take this moment to admire her features, adoring her dark painted eyelids, the subtle smile poking out at the corner of her lips, and how it moves the tip of her nose. Daniela's incredibly self-conscious of her nose as it's not as refined or narrow as her sisters, but you find her most prominent feature beautiful.

"Did you start the book?" She questions with her eyes still closed.

"Yes. I just started reading a few minutes ago. I'm about two chapters-"

"That's great! Do you like it so far?" She exclaims while cutting you off.

Miss Daniela repositions herself over your lap, bolting up from her back to sit up facing you. Her golden eyes meet yours as she grasps at your hands. An uncontrollable warmth spreads across your cheeks, mesmerized by the excited twinkle in her eye. It shimmers and shines under your gaze, glistening brighter as a love-stricken grin engraves your lips.

"I love it. You always recommend to me the best books, my lady." You compliment, squeezing her blood-stained hands in yours.

A squeal escapes her lips as she tugs at your head and smashes your face into her chest. You embrace her affection, wrapping your arms around her waist and repositioning your face sideways. This way, your face is not smushed in her cleavage.

"Oh, you're so sweet!" She belts while still hugging you close.

"No, Ms. Daniela. That would be you, my love." You mumble in awe of the woman resting upon your lap.

She practically turns to mush, pressing her all weight down on your thighs as she squeals again. Her hands slide away from the back of your head to cup your cheeks tightly. She guides your head away from her chest to look at you better. A bit of your hair gets caught between her hands your cheeks, but you don't mind. You're concerned with much more pressing matters, like the enchanting girl glancing down at your lips and back up to your eyes. 

"Kiss me?" She asks with a flirtatious swing to her voice.

"Absolutely." You eagerly respond, leaning upward to meet her black, plump lips. 

Her lips work against yours feverishly, clashing your teeth together in her enthusiasm. You attempt to calm her ravenous pace by lifting a hand to her face and caressing her cheek, but your effort only fuels her excitement, tightening her grip on your face as she deepens the kiss.
And that's when the rough texture of raw meat and the foul morsel of both meat and blood coat your tongue.

You pull away from the kiss, coughing into your arm to rid yourself of the horrid flavor.

"Oops." The red-head mocks with a mischievous grin.

"You can be so mean sometimes." You cough.

"You love me!" She belts, pulling you back in for a hug.

"That I do, my lady, that I do." You mumble against her chest.

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