New Addition

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With a sharp inhale, Lady Dimitrescu takes in the crisp dungeon air. The overwhelming stench of rotting flesh and the biting cold expands in her lungs.

In the selected cells for experimentation lies a young woman on a cot, no older than nineteen. Medical equipment and bottles of remedies surround the patient. Her dirty blonde curls, refined features, and mighty immune system to compete with the cadou make her the perfect addition to the Dimitrescu family. Lady Dimitrescu and her daughters carefully picked the former maid, finding her trustworthy and obedient. She feared them. Yes. Though, a hint of admiration always shined from beneath.

Unlike many of Alcina's past experiments, the young maiden shows promise. Her progression mirrors the daughters perfectly. The flies consumed the body and mimicked the appearance of the woman who once lived.

Alcina's chest falls before filling with a sharp intake of air. She did it! She correctly replicated Mother Miranda's experiment that gifted her three daughters. All her failures with the Samaca and Moroaica led to this.

Oddly, with this experiment, the Dimitrecu did not drain the woman's blood like they typically do. Lady Dimitrescu theorizes that the essence of life in the body allows for better compatibility for the cadou.

With a mega-watt grin, Lady Dimitrescu calls for her ever-eager and attention-seeking children. She'll need help bringing their new addition to a proper room.

The trio clamor into the dungeons, giggling. They stand in a triangle formation, Cassandra in the middle, Bela to her left, and Daniela on the right. Their mother's grin grows tenfold as she conceptualizes the idea of another little one joining the fun and chaos.

"Yes, Mother," they all greet after bowing their head to her.

"Meet your little sister, Estrella," The countess speaks gently, offering her daughters the chance to see their sister close up.

Daniela creeps up to the restful body first, a bit excited for a little sister and slightly nervous about no longer holding the title of youngest. She takes in the girl, noticing how the girl glows youthfully like her, yet appears smaller. Daniela and her older sisters stand proudly at around six feet and five inches. Estrella barely seems to reach the six-foot mark.

Her features hold delicacy: a round face, swollen lips, a slight chub to her high cheekbones, and a button nose.

Alcina takes notice of the intent stare, settling a hand upon Daniela's hooded head, "She's small even with the cadou to boost her strength." Daniela's impressionable eyes widen at the statement. She knows what this means. "We must watch over her and teach her of the world until she learns how to fend for herself."

Daniela will do everything in her power to keep Estrella safe. She looks so tiny and pure. The redhead wishes to preserve that. However, Cassandra refrains from rolling her eyes. Daniela barely knows how to fight (even with decades of training and battle). Alcina and older siblings have protected her for far too long. Estrella will never learn how to fight.

"Of course, Mother," Bela responds first. What's another sister to her overflowing plate?


Cuddled to her Mother's side, Estrella struggles to find warmth. She shivers ceaselessly as the winter air bleeds through her system. Despite the layers of clothes and towering flames lit in Alcina's chamber, the cold creeps through, slithering up her back like a serpent and coiling around her muscles.

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