Need To Know - Lady Dimitrescu

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Alcina found herself entranced by you the moment she met your gaze. You were an entity entirely new to her. Poor Alcina had grown accustomed to the odd types of people in her town. Mother Miranda trapped her inside the village for so long that your perception of ordinary contrasts with hers immensely. The two of you may as well be from other worlds.

So, when Heisenberg brought you to her doorstep to help him patch up her cracked wall, her sophisticated and regal manners vanished as if she never had them at all. You were an intern at Heisenberg's factory, looking for mentorship before creating your own business that revolved around attributes similar to Karl's. However, Karl planned to kill you before you reached your goal. He wanted more muscles on your bones before forcing you to join his precious metal army.

Alcina's eyes trailed your body as you worked, observing your physique with little to no class behind her gaze. Her attention locked upon your voluminous hair: dark with tight curls. She's never seen hair bounce in such a way before. With each step you took, individual strands of your hair bounced and weaved hypnotically. And your lips were all too enticing: round and plump. She knew they would feel heavenly against hers. Oh, how your hips and curves drew her in. She drank your body in, her eyes flickering up and down, then up again. She behaved no better than the man things she despises.

You were a goddess.

When Alcina finally heard you speak, her knees almost gave out. Your voice cut through the air with smooth slices, warm and calculated. Then, you smiled, showing off your near-perfect teeth and nearly sending Alcina down to her knees. She would not let this moment go to waste. She needed to capture your attention, make you hers, anything to be in your demanding presence.

So, she began courting you. She invited you for tea every so often, which turned into spontaneous hangouts, and later, those morphed into dates. She was particularly timid at first, behaving harshly sometimes and sweet at others. You found her to be charming, despite her cruel outbursts at times. Now. You two have been together for the better part of two semi-blissful years. Heisenberg complains Alcina stole you from him, and the girls adore your presence. Well, most of them. Bela still has a bit of a mean streak, but you're fond of the woman nonetheless.

Despite your everlasting love, you've never allowed your girlfriend to go farther than a kiss on the cheek when expressing her affection for you. You two will snuggle and hold hands, but kissing is a line you are adamant about not crossing.

Alcina never questioned it out loud, knowing better than to cross boundaries that are uncomfortable for you. Though, she desperately wants to know why. In all this time you've been with her, you've never once disclosed your discomfort towards kissing. She knows better than to question your love for her. You prove your affection every single day you are together. You're so thoughtful and caring. Never once have you raised your voice at her or her daughters, no matter how despicable they can be. Though, she cannot help but wonder why.

Is it a part of your religion? Once, you mentioned something about waiting till marriage to have sex. Maybe kissing is connected to that?

She's just a bit concerned. Alcina prides herself on her beauty and elegance. She knows how enticing she can be. Yet, you never once glanced at her in any sexual way. And god, does it make her feel dirty. She eyes you like you're some prey, and you're entirely unaware of her glances. You grin up at her with doe eyes as she trails over your shapely body.

Not once have your eyes ever flickered to her lips or breasts. It's like you are completely uninterested. She's tried everything from wearing a suit to walking around in her robe to wearing a more enticing lip gloss. Unfortunately, nothing seems to work. She wants to respect your boundaries, but she wants to kiss you and demonstrate her undying love for you.

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