Through The Ages- Donna Beneviento

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I started writing this, intending to make a long short story out of it, but I'm not feeling it. The book needs more parts, though. So enjoy my unfinished thought if you'd like.

Violeta found adoration for Donna Beneviento and her lively doll at a young age. Initially, she learned of Lady Beneviento through the rumors she heard amongst the maids in the castle Dimitrescu. They would gossip about how Lady Beneviento would turn people into dolls and kidnap villagers to torture them with haunting hallucinations.

However, Violeta learned to ignore the persistent chatter. People claimed the Dimitrescu family were blood-sucking demons who enjoyed inflicting pain on others. Though, the ladies of the castle never attempted anything harmful toward Violeta. They would never dream of it.

One thing remains true. Those who venture into The Beneviento estate or Dimitrescu Castle hardly ever return.

Violeta's mother, formerly the head maiden of Castle Dimitrescu, held a close relationship with the Dimitrescu clan. The daughters of the countess treated her like a second mother or cool big sister, while the Lady of the Castle thought of Adriana, Violeta's mother, as a close friend and confidant. Contrary to popular belief, the two are strictly friends. Adriana worked for the family since her early twenties, conceiving Violeta in her mid-thirties, and now, she no longer works. Instead, she's a permanent resident in the Dimitrescu Castle, courtesy of befriending such prominent people and maintaining such an impact on their lives.

Naturally, Violeta grew up under the protection of the Dimitrescu Family, who adored and nurtured her, helping to raise her as one of their own. Her bond with such an important family led her to meet other figures of note in the village, which launched Violeta's admiration for Donna Beneviento and their lifelong friendship.


"Ms. Bela?" Violeta questioned, sitting in front of her lady's desk with a children's book open over her lap. The book seemed massive compared to Violeta, big enough to hide her legs from view as she 'read' the story. Violet could only make out a few words. She enjoyed staring at the pictures drawn across the pages and making up the story from the images alone, though.

Violeta's mother told Violeta to stay by her side while she cleaned around the castle that morning, but the child ended up knocking on Ms. Bela's office door after an hour of watching her mom dust vases and wipe down tables. Ms. Bela is the only Dimitrescu daughter that never gets annoyed by Violeta's presence. She could've spent the rest of her morning with Lady Dimitrescu, but the thought didn't seem as appealing. Violeta loves her, but Lady Dimitrescu is like the scary Auntie, the person her Mama and the girls use to keep her in line. They often pretended to call Ms. Alcina to frighten the child into behaving.

"Yes, little Violeta?" Lady Bela answered absent-mindedly, scribbling away at a piece of paper with concentrated hums.

"Who was that lady that came to visit Ms. Alcina yesterday?" Violeta whispered, toying with the corner of the page she currently read. She kept her focus trained on the colorful paper, afraid to be reprimanded for asking a sensitive question.

"Which one?" The blonde inquired, settling her quill upon her desk to give Violeta her full attention.

"The one dressed in a black dress with a thing over her face. She always brings her pretty dolly with her." The child explained.

"Oh, yes. You must be speaking of Lady Beneviento, my Aunt. That 'thing' she wears is called a veil, and when you meet her you give her your utmost respect." Ms. Bela corrected.

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