My Girl - Daniela Dimitrescu

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"My baby!" I belt, finally finding the precious Daniela Dimitrescu after a lengthy search of the castle grounds.

She got into a tiny tussle with her sisters. The oldest two, Bela and Cassandra, tend to gang up on her. And, well, feelings get hurt. They laughed as their sister flew away from them with tears coating her adorable face. I understand Dani adopts conniving manners too, but she's so pure in some respects. It's nearly childlike. Dani lacks strength and combat skills when compared with her sisters. She hardly knows how to wield her sickle.

At first, I couldn't believe Lady Bela wasted her time fighting with her younger sisters. I thought Lady Cassandra and Dani would fight more frequently. After witnessing a few fights between them, I've discovered that she either starts the arguments. Her bossy nature typically takes a cause. Or, one of her sisters says something that gets under her skin. They know how to push her buttons precisely. Their squabbles always end in tears and the killing of an innocent maid. My gut tells me that this time the consequences may present much worse than any of their fights before.

I found my darling girl tucked beneath the steps to the West Wing with her back against the wall and her knees hugged to her chest. Her cheek rested against them while facing away from the opening beneath the stairs. The hem of her dress relaxed at the midsection of her lower leg hiked up due to her position.

Her hooded head jerks up moments after I call her. She whips her toward me with a sigh before lowering her head again.

"I'm not in the mood right now," she mumbles against her knees. Strange. Usually, she's back to her bright and cheery self after a few minutes to herself.

"Don't be like that, my darling," I lower my voice, taking a step toward her.

"I mean it. Go away," Daniela huffs as she hugs her legs closer to her chest.

"But, you love to talk to me. Please, my love, let me help you," I offer, though she turns further into the darkness beneath the stairwell.

My eyes flutter shut, taking a deep breath before inching toward her. Once within reach, I place my hand on her shoulder. I know I'm begging to receive a sickle to the face, but Daniela needs someone right now, whether she knows it or not. Who better to listen to her vent than her best friend and girlfriend?

She accepts the touch, although stiff beneath my fingertips. I creep closer at the silent invitation.

"Can I hug you?" I ask tenderly.

Her head dips gradually into her knees before lifting. At her signal, I settle myself on the floor behind her.

My poor baby. I've never seen her this upset. I've seen her go batshit before, but not anything like this.

The second my arms snaked around her waist, her whole body sunk into me. She leans back into my embrace, wiggling to get into a comfortable position. I'm a bit shorter than Daniela, so I look exceptionally foolish embracing her like this. But that doesn't matter to us. Daniela finds comfort in my touch, claiming I'm her 'heat box' of sorts.

The three sisters rarely embrace each other. The only time one can find them willingly touching is when they break out into one of their infamous fights, and their mother only gives out affection when they do something good. More often than not, though, she's stern. The Lady loves her daughters, no doubt. She's not the most affectionate, though.

Compared to her family, I've learned that Daniela Dimitrescu differs in that aspect. She adores physical touch. She's a cuddle bug. Literally. Perfect for me. I love any affection given to me by my noblewoman. So naturally, we're attached to the hip. If I'm away from her for more than ten minutes, I start to get withdrawals and vice versa. That doesn't mean she won't lash out at me, though. She attacked me a few times before. She's never left anything further than a firey red mark of her teeth on my skin. Still, though.

I rock her back and forth in our embrace, pressing a kiss to her pouty cheeks. Hopefully, the over-affection draws a smile from my girl.

"I missed you, Dani. I haven't seen you since breakfast," I announce while burying my face into the back of her shoulder. After inhaling metal, death, and who knows what else, I silently remind myself to request she bathe. She rarely listens to me, but it's worth the try.

"It's just- Cassandra and Bela are always so mean to me," Daniela begins with a sigh. She shuffles slightly, turning around to face me while still in my hold. I meet her gaze with a frown that mimics hers.

"I don't think they even think of me as a sister. I'm just someone who always ruins things or gets into trouble. They make me feel stupid," she lowers her gaze to the ground, her fingers toying with one another.

These girls. I swear, they live to torment their baby sister.

"You're not stupid, Daniela. You could never be," I exclaim sternly, taking Dani's fidgeting hands in mine. Her attention snaps from the black and white tiled floor to meet my gaze. She gazes at me with raised eyebrows and dilated pupils.

"But-" my girlfriend sputters.

"Darling, with the number of books you read, I'd find it impossible," I explain, gazing into her eyes intently with a warm grin. Daniela's head lifts from her chest, and her eyes regain their adorable sparkle.

"Really?" she questions softly. Her fingers squeeze around the core of my palm with the faintest curl at the corner of her lips.

"Why, of course. Daniela, my intelligent and passionate girl, you are amazing," I grin at her.

That seems to do the trick. Daniela leaps forward, clasping her arms around my neck and hugging me close. While nearly choking under her affection, I lift my hands to her back, sliding along the smooth fabric of her dress.

"Oh, you're just the sweetest little pet! Kiss me!" She gushes, snapping from her funk instantaneously.

There's my excitable Daniela.

"I would love to, but you're still hugging me!" I exclaim, though embracing her with as much force as I can.

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