chapter 2

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The doors to the bus opened and we were all signaled to get out. The person from beside me that fainted was thrown out of the bus and that's what caused them to regain consciousness but seeing our situation they immediately started to panic.

One of the other kids signaled them to keep quiet tho. We all lined up then a man in a suit and mask came out from a back room. "Good job men. You all have completed your task flawlessly. Once our money starts coming in you all will be given a raise".

His voice showed that he was aged but had alot of authority. The men bowed to him showing gratitude and then took their stance all around us.

"Now, all of you. You all are here to be sold in order for me to make money. No questions asked". Everyone's jaws dropped and some teared up once again. I didn't know what to think.

Being an orphan the only orphan in class to be specific there's no one to miss me. Everyone else has their families that'll look for them but not me. I don't even have friends.

The man walked out of the room and we were all taken to another room. Walking in my eyes widened even more. The room was filled with huge metal cages. I looked at the guy beside me and he was just as shocked as me.

One by one they shoved each of us in a cage and took off the chains the put on us and took the cloth off of our mouths. As soon as they did almost everyone started saying things like.

"Please let me go". "I wanna be with my family". "I didn't do anything to deserve this". And whatnot all the others were on their knees crying.

I was numb. When I thought my life couldn't take an other worse turns. From being an orphan to being bullied and picked on everyday because of that. Having no friends and now this. What else is gonna happen.

I sat at the back of the cage brought my knees up to my chest and put my head down. What else could I do. What was the sense in crying like everyone else. There's no way anyone can help us. Just accept the faith.

With that exhaustion took over my body and I feel asleep on the cold floor of the cage listening to the cries and pleads of all the others in the room with me.

𝑩𝒓𝒊𝒈𝒉𝒕 𝒔𝒊𝒅𝒆 《𝒎𝒚𝒈 𝒇𝒇》✔Where stories live. Discover now