chapter 7

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Me and jungkook finally managed to make it to the warehouse and walked in not drawing too much attention to ourselves. We had masks on.

What we saw was not pleasant at all I never looked away from someone faster in my life. There were adults being bought so I'm guessing those are the teachers.

Looking around the room I noticed it was filled with wanted mafia bosses gang leaders and big criminals. Damn we can get all of them behind bars at once.

Soon all the teachers were bought. Thankfully the people that bought them already don't get to leave untill the auction is over.

Then they started bringing kids up in pairs and announcing their names. "Next up we have 15 year old yoongi and g/n". Alot of people wanted them me and jungkook were gonna get a run for our money. Quite literally.

"Ten thousand". Someone up front bidded. "Twenty thousand". Someone else said then others started adding even more till they got to sixty thousand.

Them Park went up to the mic. "Twenty thousand going once". Then me and jungkook looked at each other. "One hundred thousand". Wr said together

Parks eyes glittered hearing the figyre called. "One hundred thousand going once, going twice". "Sold". The boy and girls eyes teared up.

Me and jungkook stepped forward and took yoongi and g/n taking the chains and cloth off of them. We brought sweaters fir them so we put those on them.

I looked at jungkook and he was already looking at me. We both nod at each other. We picked up yoongi and g/n and then I pressed on my ear piece.

It sent a signal to the air team and now the real fun starts. The entire warehouse was now swarmed with agents and guards.

Within no time Park was tied and taken away and the rest of gang leaders were going down like nothing. Seeing that no help was needed me and jungkook decided it was time to go.

Going out I could feel yoongi shaking in my hold I looked at him. "Yoongi calm down hun I'm not gonna hurt you. Nor is my friend here. That goes for u two g/n you both are safe".

They didn't seem the most convinced right now but who could blame them. They just experienced one of the worst things a teenager couldn't even think of.

I put toongi in my car and jungkook put g/n in his and we both drove home. Along the way X called me. "Good day agent 001. Good job today I've already called agent 002 but all of the gang leaders and other criminals that were present tat the auction have been put behind bars already".

"I heard u both got the girl and boy already good work. I want u two to keep thm and look after them from now on. They are very vulnerable to being targeted again and we don't need that". "Yes sir, we'll take care of them don't worry".

"Alright bye". He hung up before I could reply but that's classic X I sometimes do the same thing.

𝑩𝒓𝒊𝒈𝒉𝒕 𝒔𝒊𝒅𝒆 《𝒎𝒚𝒈 𝒇𝒇》✔Where stories live. Discover now