₀₆. 𝚐𝚘𝚍, 𝚒 𝚑𝚊𝚝𝚎 𝚙𝚘𝚝𝚒𝚘𝚗𝚜

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the next day went on like any other. leo and i were in potions, working on our memory potions, bored half to death.

"did i tell you about the girl who got vodka dumped on her at the party?" leo mentioned.

"that's very interesting, leo," i sarcastically replied, "why isn't your potion gold?"

leo looked up, worriedly, "was it supposed to be?"

somehow, leo's slimy green potion bubbled up and exploded, splattering on both of us.

"god, i hate potions." leo sighed.

because of the whole memory potion disaster, we both ended up getting detention after our classes. but all i wanted to do was go see aiden at the library like he had told me to.

when we walked into slughorn's classroom, he made us turn in our wands so we wouldn't be using any sort of magic to complete the assignment he was going to make us do. leo and i both sat down silently in the classroom. i looked around the empty classroom and noticed that we were the only ones there.

"why am i even here? i'm not the one who fucked up my memory potion." i complained.

"we're best friends, ivy," leo responded, "if i get in trouble, you will too."

i sighed and placed my chin in my palm, turning my head towards the door. draco, unexpectedly walked in– of course. just what i needed to make my time at detention better. i rolled my eyes again and turned my head back around to leo.

"what's he doing here?" i whispered.

draco sat down behind us and leo stared back at him.

"i don't know— i thought potions was his favorite class—"

"settle down!" slughorn announced, "you three are here because you've caused a massive disturbance in my classroom. for your punishment, you will all be writing down the recipes for ten potions..."

ten potions?! i thought. it was ridiculous. i knew it would take forever to complete.

"you will need to copy down the ingredients and directions for each of these potions from your advanced potion making book. parchment is on my desk. i expect you to stay quiet." slughorn continued, sitting down at his desk.

all of us stood up and headed over to slughorn's desk. before i could even reach for some parchment, draco nudged me– on purpose.

"oops, i'm terribly sorry, diggory." he grinned like a devil.

i chose not to talk back at him and instead gave him one of my infamous eyes rolls, reaching for some parchment and hoping to god i wouldn't have to deal with anymore of his stupid bullshit during detention. but we happened to reach at the same time and his hand touched mine. my heart leapt through my chest and i felt a flush in my cheeks.

we both briefly stared at each other but i quickly broke away from his stare and snatched all of the parchment i needed, walking swiftly back to my seat, hoping for that to never happen again.

"once you have finished, you can leave," slughorn added, "you may begin."

i started writing down the first potion: the amortentia potion. halfway through the directions, i stared over at leo, who somehow managed to just be finished with his second potion.

"in a hurry?" i interrogated.

"i promised molly i would meet her at her dorm tonight. if i don't hurry, i won't be able to shower or put on cologne or get there as early as possible..." he responded, writing as fast as he could.

𝚍𝚒𝚛𝚝𝚢 ❀ 𝚍𝚎𝚜𝚒𝚛𝚎𝚜, d.m.Where stories live. Discover now