The Baby Shower

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It was a day like any other:
  You got an invitation in the mail for a party to go to next week, a lovely meal for a family friend's engagement, trivial, really. The only reason you need to show up is so your parents keep a good face to the public eye, but that's besides the point. After the invitation arrived, you got a visit from your best friend, Brielle. She comes by almost every day to check up on you and make sure what parties you're attending so she knows which ones she must go to and the ones you skip are the ones she skips. The two of you have been inseparable since birth, being born only a week apart, lavish joint birthday parties were always the go to option. Your parents were business partners, Brielle's parents and your parents both run industrial powerhouses and relied on each other for supply and product. That was— until the incident. You and Brielle never really thought about the politics of your parents' business, just your friendship. You were sitting at your vanity when all of a sudden—
      "So! Are you going to the brunch today for my sister-in-law's baby shower?" Brielle said as she entered your room.
     You hadn't thought about your answer much, because it was pretty much a given, seeing as you loved her sister-in-law, "Of course! I wouldn't miss it for the world."
     "Good, because we're gonna need some help setting up. So how soon can you be ready?" she asked
      "Just 30 minutes, I'll head over there soon," you replied.
     "Thank you, (y/n)!" she exclaimed as she hugged and smiled at you in the mirror before she left in a hurry.
Wow I really only said 30 minutes, huh, you thought as you quickly did your makeup. Rushing the job that normally takes you an hour was a bit of a challenge, but you eventually pulled it off with a minute to spare. You ran as fast as you could possibly run over to the venue.
When you arrived, it was already decorated with only a few dishes out of place. You find Brielle and finish setting the dishes when someone catches your eye. There's a man you've never seen before, which is odd considering you know of almost everyone on the guest list. He's tall, has long, dark hair, and an air of wisdom about him. He's dressed in a way that you can tell he's not from Fontaine. Perhaps Liyue, but you can't tell for sure. You ask Brielle about him and she says he's a friend of her father's, which clears nothing up except for who he knows here.
"I've only ever heard about him once or twice. I don't even remember his name," she said, "I'm not even sure if my dad told me his name."
"I'm gonna go talk to him," you said quite confidently, walking towards the mysterious dark haired man.
"Have fun, don't be too out there," you heard Brielle call after you.
You were already halfway there when he noticed you coming over. He got another glass from the closest server, perhaps to offer it to you.
      As you were just steps away from him he spoke, "Greetings. To whom do I owe the pleasure?"
     "I'm (y/n), I haven't seen you before and I wanted to make your acquaintance," you said in reply.
     "I'm Zhongli, it's a pleasure to meet you, (y/n)," he extended his hand for a friendly handshake, you gladly accepted. "Would you like a drink," he offered, "I believe it's Dawn Winery's famous Dandelion Wine."
     "Of course, thank you," you accepted, "Dandelion Wine is one of my favorites."
    "I personally prefer Osmanthus tea, but I couldn't seem to find any available," he seemed to be reminiscing.
    "Osmanthus tea is hard to come by in Fontaine," as you said that, another man walks up. This one is also tall, but he has ginger hair and much more confidence than Zhongli. He seems to be a little smug and arrogant compared to Zhongli's composure and elegance. It feels like he's eyeing you down like you could be his next victim, or the perfect counterpart to his storm. You can't quite tell what he's thinking through those deep blue eyes. There's an intense tension between the two of you that seems to last hours, but in reality it was only a few seconds before he starts,
      "So who's your new friend?" he asks Zhongli.
      "This is (y/n), and this is—"
      "Tartaglia, but you can call me Childe, if you prefer," the ginger cut Zhongli off with almost perfect timing.
      "It's wonderful to meet you Tartaglia. How come I've never seen you around before," you boldly ask.
      "Well I don't get the privilege to be in Fontaine often, but when I do, I always take the opportunity to make friends with the right people. And right now, it seems I'm heading in the right direction," he replied.

      "Thank you everyone for coming to our baby shower," you heard coming through the speakers, the source being Brielle's brother on the stage, "Everyone, please sit so we can get started with the festivities" he continues to speak as you look for your name card sitting on a plate. You were seated on Brielle's left at the table with the family. To your surprise, the name card on your left read,
      "Tartaglia," you accidentally whispered as you noticed it.
      "That is my name, don't wear it out," he whispered into your ear as he sat down.






horray!! the first part of this book is done! yeah ik it's around 1,000 words and idk how i did that because i can barely get 500 for my english assignments. hopefully more to come because i really like where this fic is going

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