The Bakery

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As Tartaglia escorts you out of the hotel, the guards from earlier keep a close watch on the two of you. You wonder why, maybe he's an important Snezhnayan businessman, or he's a threat to someone like that. That would explain the suspicious feeling you felt when first meeting him. You brushed those thought aside as you took him to your favorite bakery, Fontaine's Memories.
      "I love the street scenery around the city," you say to Tartaglia as you walk, arm in arm. "The way the sun shines against the water in the streams always seems to brighten my day."
      "I have noticed that the cityscape here is quite unique. Very different from the one back home," he replies.
      "Oh? Where are you from?" you ask, the perfect opportunity given his last remark.
      "I'm from Sneznahaya. Perhaps you saw the guards posted around the hotel earlier," he said casually, "They were stationed there by my supervisor."
"Oh! Those are for you? Well what do you do that calls for so many guards to be where you're staying?"
"I'm a... toy.. salesman. Yes, I sell Sneznhayan toys around Teyvat," he said, very unsure of himself which is odd, given he is generally quite confident.
"You must be a very important toy salesman then," you reply, noticing his insecurity.
"I absolutely am. So do you work or have any hobbies?" he tries to change the subject.
"I don't work, my dad makes plenty of money to support my mom and I. Although I do love tending to the garden back at my house," you play along... for now, "We have this big greenhouse in the courtyard with so many exotic plants, most from Inazuma and Sumeru. My dad loves bringing me back more plants whenever he travels to different regions."
"Plants, eh? That's something I never would've pinned on you," he seems genuinely shocked.
"What would you think I do in my free time?" you took slight offense to his last statement.
"Go shopping, get your nails or hair done, spend time with Brielle, something like that."
"Well you're not wrong but those aren't my favorite things to do," the two of you burst into laughter as you arrive at the bakery.
      "Bonjour monsieur et mademoiselle! Welcome to Fontaine's Memories," the girl behind the counter says cheerfully, she looks to be no older than 13. The display case is filled to the brim with Fontaine's classic pastries, croissants, macarons, chocolate éclairs, and so many more. It smells of pastry baking in the oven with a hint of a sweet fruit aroma. The whole shop has an air of nostalgia, making the name make sense.
"Bonjour Elise! Are your parents in?" you ask the girl behind the counter.
"Not right now, their out looking for more pastry plates," she responds.
"Aww, I was hoping to introduce someone to them." Childe looks at you with a look that says, 'You were planning to introduce me to the bakery owners? why?' You give him a reassuring gesture and continue your conversation with Elise.
"They should be back in an hour or so, do you want me to tell them you stopped by?" she asks, seeing the odd exchange between you and the ginger.
"Yes! That would be wonderful! Could you also start a special pastry for me? I'll come pick it up and see your parents at the same time," you ask her and walk towards the counter.
"Sure, what's the pastry?" she responds as you reach for a pen and paper. You write something down and Elise nods acknowledging your intent. She leaves for the kitchen as you turn back to Tartaglia.
"Ok ready to go to the next place?" you ask him, walking over and grabbing his arm.
"We're done here already? not even a macron for the road?" he asks, slightly upset.
"Do you really want a macron that bad? I can get you one, Elise is just in the kitchen—"
"I'll be ok, I was joking," he responds, resting his hand on yours, which is tucked into the fold of his elbow, reassuring you everything is ok.
You take a breath, calming yourself, "Alrighty let's go!"
"Where are we off to now?"
"Shopping, getting our nails and hair done, maybe hanging out with Brielle," you say as you both laugh, "No but seriously we're going shopping."
"Where are we going shopping?" Tartaglia asks, oblivious to the fact his wardrobe choices are not the best for Fontaine's upscale fashion. The tattered fabric hanging off his shoulder has got to go.
"You'll see," you respond slyly, not trying to hint at the fact that you're going to a men's clothing store.





yay another part done! this one is shorter, but it took me so much longer to do idk why. but school is starting to get harder and i have things to do so updates will be more sporadic from now till like May when exams are done and i know which college im going to. anyways thanks for reading and i hope you're enjoying it!

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