The News

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      "(y/n), come sit and chat with me," your father said. You obliged, as he's your father you kind of have to.
"What's going on Dad?" you ask, sitting down. Your father normally doesn't ask to talk to you so it feels strange.
"I guess there's no easy way to say this; Tartaglia, that young man that came over two days ago, he's... a Fatui Harbinger," he states, trying to explain it gently.
Your eyes widen in shock, so he really wasn't a toy salesman. The guards make sense now: that one guard makes sense now. "Wait— but how do you know?" you ask suddenly, confused on how he knew.
"Brielle's dad made a deal with the Fatui a while ago, Tartaglia was the one that spoke to him about the terms. That's why I don't speak to them anymore. Anyone that does business with the Fatui is not my friend."
You sit in silence, processing everything he said. The Fatui? Brielle's family? What was the deal? How did he beco—
"Also, (y/n), I allowed you to see him a few days ago only because he took time out of his day to come here. I will not let you see him again," your father said, cutting off your own thoughts. "I told him when I sent you to get dressed that I knew who he was and that after that night I wouldn't let him near you. Don't expect him to turn up again, I suggest you simply move on."
"But Dad, I actually like him for once. Instead of the guys you and Mom set me up with, I actually enjoy getting to know him," you protest.
"(Y/N), my word is final. You will not see him," he insists.
This is so unfair. You get up in a hurry, upset with your father. For once in your life you show any interest in a man and you're forbidden from seeing him. You just want to scream like a child, but if you do that you won't ever get to leave the house again. You decide to go out, maybe if you look around enough you'll see Childe again. Maybe shopping around Hotel Debord? Would that be weird, though? You don't want to make it too obvious to Childe. Would he even talk to you if he saw you. What about the trial? If he knew he couldn't see you then, why did he say he would want to go with you? Was he just being nice? Ugh! This is so frustrating. Well, the only way you're going to get answers is by asking.
       And with that, you head out. "I'm going shopping, Marie," you tell Marie in case your parents ask where you are. Just a half lie. Nothing major, and you go shopping all the time, they won't care where.
      You don't have the mental energy to enjoy your walk over, you just want answers from Childe. Mostly lots of 'why's' running through your head as you speed walk over there. Once you're in the area, you try to look at all the merchandise in the shops but not even shoes or jewelry are distracting you. Oh, it's that bad. I should talk to Brielle but she left the city for a bit. Brielle would talk you down. She always does, but she's not here so your crazy side gets to make an appearance now.
You decide to sit on a bench to try and gather your thoughts a little more. As you're thinking, something catches your eye. More like someone, you spot Childe. Instead of doing the normal thing, and going up and saying 'hi', you simply sit and stare with the most intense glare you've ever glared. Childe feels your gaze and starts shifting his weight while he's talking to someone. When they leave, he turns around and locks eyes with you. He immediately looks away and goes inside the hotel, knowing what your father said. You follow him, also knowing what your father said.
You catch up with him while going up the stairs, "Hey, Childe, can we talk for a minute?" you ask, needing answers.
He doesn't respond and keeps walking toward his room, you closely following. He's not speed walking now, but back to his normal pace, seemingly giving up at getting rid of you.
When the two of you silently arrive at his room, he lets you in and enters behind you, closing the door. "Look," he starts, "(y/n), your dad was pretty clear to me that we can't spend time together. I don't want to cross that boundary with him. I'm not sure if he told you, but he at least told me."
"He did tell me, that's why I'm here. I need to know why you said you'd go to a trial with me when you clearly wouldn't. Also, you're a Harbinger?? Were you ever gonna tell me?" You ramble on, mostly just wanting answers you dropped all manners and just spoke casually.
"Slow down, (y/n)," your name doesn't give you the same reaction as before. "I didn't want to hurt you the other day, so I didn't tell you we couldn't see each other. You seemed so excited about going to a trial with me I didn't want to disappoint you," he continued, "You should sit down before I get into the Harbinger details," he guides you to sit on his bed and you sit, reminded of his plushie. "When I was younger, I caused a lot of trouble around the village I grew up in. My dad decided I should use that energy for good and had me enlist in the Fatui," you shoot him a confused look, "I know your father doesn't like the Fatui, but back in Snezhnaya, the Fatui is just the military. Like the guardameks around here. Anyway, while doing routine training checks, I caught the eye of one of the higher-ranking Harbingers. He was the one that had me promoted. Currently, I'm the lowest ranking Harbinger, number eleven," he finishes.
That's a lot, you think, unsure of what to say. You think you like him, but now knowing what you know, you really need to think.
"Childe..." you start, hoping you find the words along the way "I don't know what to say," is the only thing that comes out, devoid of any emotion, be it negative or positive.
"You don't need to know right now, (y/n)," the sweetness is back, and so are the goosebumps. "I have some work to do, some people haven't paid their debts back to the bank. I have to go, feel free to stay here and think while I'm gone," he says, unsure if he should hold your hand or give you space. All he wants to do now is hold you and make your spiraling thoughts slow down. He wants to talk to you about it, he wants to comfort you about the news, he just doesn't know how. After a moment of hesitation, "I'll be right back, (y/n)," and he's gone.
You sit in his room, silent. As you think, you lay back on his bed, rediscovering how comfortable it is. Maybe all you need right now is a nap. You get comfortable in his bed and fall asleep in an effort to get your brain to stop swirling. As you take a few breaths, his scent seeps into your nose, calming you. After just a few breaths more, you're off to sleep.


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