The Suit

21 1 0

The storefront was well decorated, tailored suits in the display window, flowers sprawled across the floor of the case and ivy climbing the wall, outside and inside. There's a blue suit that reminds you of his deep blue eyes that seem to reflect your every thought back to you. He would look so good in that, you thought to yourself. The tie on the suit was a black leather bolo tie with the symbol for hydro on the clasp and silver accents.
"And that's how I fell off my roof and into a pile of snow with no injury," he said, finishing his story.
"That's impressive," you reply, knowing you didn't listen because you were lost in thought of him in a well-tailored suit, "Wait, do you have a vision? I never got the chance to ask before."
"Yeah I do, it's a hydro vision," Tartaglia replies with a slight concern in his voice, "Why do you ask? Do you have one?"
"Woah I also have a hydro vision, what are the odds? And I was asking because we're here," you say, pointing at the shop.
The ginger looks up at the shop in surprise, "A men's clothing store?" he asks.
"Yep. We're here to get you something a little nicer than what you're wearing right now. There's a standard I set for the people I go out with," you reply playfully.
"Well if you're that eager, let's go on in," Tartaglia says as he opens the door for you.
The shop owner welcomes the two of you, he is a kind old gentleman. You often visit to pick up your father's tailoring and have gotten to know the old shopkeep through that. The older man takes Tartaglia's measurements and goes to find a suit that matches closely.
"I don't think I've ever been to such an upscale store. It feels like I'm getting ready for some big event," he smiles at you tenderly.
"There's a first for everything, Tartaglia," you reply. As you walk over to him, you notice his collar is not folded right so you begin to fix it, he giggles at your gesture.
"What?" you ask, curious as to what provoked the giggle.
"Call me Childe," he says, sweetly, "I prefer that one over Tartaglia. It matches my personality more."
"I've noticed. You do act like a child sometimes," you say, giggling.
The shopkeep returns with a suit to put on Childe. It's a deep burgundy with dark brown accents, you're unsure of how it will look on him, given his hair would clash with the burgundy. Childe proceeds to the dressing room to try it on and when he comes out, you're surprised it doesn't look as bad as you thought.
Still, you think there's a better option in the store so you say "Is there a different color we could try? Burgundy might not be the best option for him."
The shopkeep nods and gestures for Childe to go back into the dressing room while he fetches a dark blue suit, the vest is pinstriped but the pants and jacket are solid. The dark blue is accompanied by a white shirt and a brown tie. That one will match.
Childe comes out of the dressing room, triumphantly. "So what do you think, (y/n)?" he says, showing off the ensemble.
      "I love it!" you say, getting up and walking over to him, "The color compliments your eyes so well and the tie is in the same family as your hair! Oh it's perfect!"
      He beams down at you, noticing how happy you are. He's lost in thought at the sight of you with your eyes lit up like that. It's similar to seeing a child with a new toy or their favorite candy. All he can think of is how can he make you feel like that all the time.
      "I'm glad you like it," he replies.
      "No alterations needed," the shopkeep interjects.
      "Then let's get it!" you say.
      The old man rings up the clothes and after you finish paying you and Childe are ready to go back to the bakery.
You set off through the city with Childe's old clothes in a bag provided by the tailor. As the two of you walk back over to the bakery, you're approached by two of the guards from the hotel.
"Sir, you are needed immediately," one of the guards says.
"I'm a little busy at the moment if you can't tell. Is this urgent?" Childe replies, a hint of frustration in his voice.
"Yes. The Kn-"
"Ok," Childe cuts the guard off in the middle of a word, "I'll head back soon."
The guards leave and Childe turns to you, "I'm sorry, (y/n). I have to head back now but I will see you when I'm finished with work. I promise," the tenderness and sincerity in his voice isn't something you'd expect to hear from him. It's nice to hear.
"Don't worry about it, I'm sure this is important. And don't forget to see me again, this was fun," you reply, saddened.
He pulls you into a hug, "I'll send someone to get you as soon as this matter is settled," he says as he embraces you. He releases you and starts to walk back toward the hotel. You wave bye to him and once he gets a fair distance away, he turns around and catches one last glance at you. A few moments later, he's gone.





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