The Vision

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            "Welcome to my floral wonderland!" you say, still hand in hand with Childe.
       "It's beautiful, just like you," he replies. That was so smooth it made your stomach do a flip.
The floral scent that hits you right as you enter the greenhouse is calming, almost like you've laid down on a bed of roses. A variety of flora spread around the room. The tropical plants of Sumeru, dandelions and windwheel asters, and some elementally charged plants from Inazuma staking their claim.
"Let me show you how I take care of them," you offer, knowing you slacked off on their care earlier. As you begin explaining, the excitement about your plants comes back. Perhaps it's because Childe is here, something about him just feels safe.
With your plant journal now fully filled out for the day, you pull out the macrons. "I have something for you, Childe."
"Hm?" he chimes back, beginning to be pulled out of his thoughts about you and your love of your plants, he sees you as almost motherly to them. It's adorable.
"Since you complained earlier, have a macron," you say as you open the box and hand him one. He immediately takes a bite and practically stuffs the whole thing in his mouth, asking for another. That sort of behavior continues as you both enjoy the sweet raspberry cookies.
Suddenly, Childe speaks up, "Do you know why I came to Fontaine?"
You look at him with a look of confusion and shake your head no, mid-macron.
"My vision has been acting oddly, I felt a pull to come here to try and speak with the Hydro Archon to see if she could help. I started having these odd dreams, similar to a feeling I had when I received my vision," he explained, carefully choosing his words as if not to reveal too much, "It just so happened the baby shower was happening around this time, giving me an excuse to travel without my supervisor questioning me." I silently wonder why his supervisor would question a holiday to Fontaine if he really was just a toy salesman.
"Would you mind if I saw it?" out of genuine curiosity you find yourself asking without thinking. As Childe hands you his vision you notice the unique casing, silver in color with pointed sides. Flipping it around in your hands, you don't notice anything except that it's a bit dimmer than most other visions, you take yours out to compare. You don't say anything, mostly just interested in the differences between his and yours.
As you hand his vision back he says, "See, I couldn't tell anything from looking at it either, that's why I need to talk to the archon about it."
"I'm not sure how you'll be able to get to see her, maybe if you go to one of the trials at the Opera Epiclese, but she always seems to disappear after the shows," you suggest, trying to help him as best you can.
"Maybe, but I think that's something to worry about tomorrow," worry coming through his usually confident voice, "Right now, I would prefer to learn more about you," he changes back to his usual self, grabbing your hand in the process. As he comes closer to you, eyes locked in intense eye contact. Your stomach ties itself in a knot at his oceanic eyes staring into the depth of your (e/c) eyes. As soon as your faces are mere inches apart, someone knocks on the door, making you jump a little. You open the door to see your head maid,
"Young miss, your father has asked me to remind you it's getting late. It's almost 10pm," she said.
"Oh, thank you, Marie. I guess I lost track of time taking care of my plants," you reply, not daring to touch on you and Childe's growing closeness.
As you say that, Childe recalls your family's status around Fontaine, "I guess that is my cue to head out," he says, not wanting to cause any scandal. "It was nice to spend the day with you today, (y/n)."
Hearing him say your name sent goosebumps down your whole body, it was like a melody playing in your ears that you couldn't help but give in to. "I agree, let me know you would like to go to a trial, I would love to accompany you," you respond, disappointed that your time with him has to end. You tagged on the offer about the trial to hopefully get the chance to see him again.
Sensing your disappointment, Childe pulls you into a hug and plants a kiss on the top of your head, "I would love to be able to bring you to a trial," he whispers.

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