The Confrontation

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      Your days without Childe are... uneventful, to say the least. All you've really been doing is reorganizing your room out of sadness and going out to try and cheer yourself up, but even going to Fontaine's Memories to visit Elise and Camille didn't work. They were busy with orders from the Palais Mermonia, the Hydro Archon probably had an influx of guests, so they weren't really able to chat.
Just as you were beginning to sulk in your room again, "(Y/N)!" Brielle burst into the room. "You need to tell me everything that happened while I was gone, how was hanging out with Childe~? Did the two of you get along just like I thought you would?" she asks in her usual, high pitched, sing song-y voice.
"We did... we got along really well," you replied, trying not to show your pain, "But, my dad did not get along with him."
"Oh no! I totally forgot about how your dad feels about harbingers!! If I remembered in the moment I would not have said yes for you," she sympathizes, coming to sit next to you, "What happened?"
You explain what happened on the day you and Childe first spent time together, sparing no detail. "But we have a plan," you switch.
"Well, girl, let me in on the plan!!" Brielle says maybe a little too excitedly.
Since your father was home, you started looking around for a pen and paper to write it down, "Keep talking, Brielle, we have to sound normal," you suggest, lightly laughing, as the two of you are quite loud together. As Brielle is chattering about her recent trip, you're listening but also super focused on writing down the plan that should happen today. You hand the paper to your best friend and you start yapping while she reads.
"Wait... today?" Brielle asks, a look of intrigue filling her eyes.
"I think so, I told him two days," you matter-of-factly say, "Though, I didn't tell him any specific time. I wonder if he even can today? Oh, what if he's caught up in work? Brielle what do I do?" you begin to spiral.
       "Breathe, (y/n), breathe... He remembers stuff like this. Knowing him, he made time in his schedule for this. Heck, he probably scheduled it around something he had to do around here anyway to seem less suspicious. So don't worry, even if you weren't as important to him as you seem," she drops to a whisper, "Childe will be here no matter what," and she pulls you into a hug.
      "Thank you," you say, hugging your best friend back, "This is why we're best friends. Wait— If your family works with the Fatui, why can you come over here whenever? That's the whole reason my dad stopped talking to your dad," the question suddenly pops into your head.
      "Well, My dad told your father about the Fatui deal at a business lunch; at that same business lunch, he told your father that my brother would be taking over the company fully once my dad retires. Knowing your father, my dad asked that this business deal not reflect onto his children, so your father turned a blind eye for me," she explained.
      "Huh, usually my father is more up in arms about stuff like this, but, I mean, we've been best friends since before we were born," you and Brielle laugh, "So I guess he didn't want to totally ruin my life."
      After chatting more with Brielle, your back and forth banter about everything and anything conceals a knock on the door. It's Childe, and he's nervous. He is really hoping you open the door for him, like last time. Little does he know, you don't even know he's here. After a few seconds, the Head Maid, Marie, opens the door.
      "Hello, Monsieur, what brings you to the Dupond residence?" she politely chimes, as usual.
      "Is Monsieur Dupond home? I wish to speak with him," Child says, switching to the Fontainian customs with ease.
      "Yes he is, let me check if he is willing to take visitors. For now come inside and take a seat in the foyer," leaving as she offers.
      Childe sits and looks around the foyer, he didn't really get to see this area last time, it's very opulent, large paintings on the walls, a comfortable bench to sit on, with a sturdy coat rack. He wore the suit you got him today, perhaps he should hang his jacket on the rack. No, not yet, he decides, shaking his head. I have to be invited in by the person I'm here to see first. Marie makes it back with your father, making Childe stand up out of respect.
      "Well, I was not expecting to see you here," your father says begrudgingly, "Let's have a little chat in my office, shall we?"
      "Of course, sir," Childe replies, genuine. No time to take off my coat, it would be too relaxed, anyway.
      Marie remembers the young man from when he first visited your house. She can hear you and Brielle upstairs and knows that the two of you have no clue what's going on down here. She goes upstairs and knocks on your door, "Girls, would you like some tea in the parlor?" she suggests, lifting her eyebrows as if indicating to you to say 'yes'. She usually does this if there's something she thinks is important for you to know, so of course you reply, "Sounds like a perfect idea," as you get up.
        Passing Marie, she whispers "The young man is in your father's office." You try not to think of all the possibilities that could happen as you walk down the stairs with Brielle. When you get to the parlor, the three of you were so silent you could hear a pin drop. Eavesdropping is hard for you and Brielle, so Marie stays closer to the office just in case.
      Childe is anxious, he just wants to be able to spend his life— huh? life? no no, he meant time: his time with you. Wow, his heart is getting away from him a bit. (y/n), what did you do to me, he thinks.
      "Tartaglia, did I not explicitly ask you to stay away from my daughter, my house, and my personal life? Because right now it seems like you are going against that request," your father sternly said.
      "Sir, I mean no disrespect, but these past few days without your daughter have been torture. I know I have only really known her one day, but (y/n) is the most amazing girl I have ever met. I'm not sure I can live without her," Childe pleads, against all odds.
      "Let's play a game of hypotheticals. Say I allow you to see my daughter again. Heck, let's say I allow you to marry my daughter. You get called for a special mission, a dangerous mission, and you get killed in the line of battle. What happens to (y/n)? Hmm?" Childe stands there, realizing the rhetorical nature of the question, "The other Fatui Harbingers get their hands on her. That is what would happen if she goes to live in Snezhnaya with your family. The only way for me to keep her safe is to forbid you and her from getting close," your father begins to raise his voice.
      "May I speak in hypotheticals as well, sir?" Childe replies, buying a little time for him to think of a response. What he said is true, the Rooster is helping Childe's family, so your father is not far off.
      "Why not?" your father replies, eager to see where this goes.
      "Say you let me see your daughter again. I don't ask for her hand in marriage until the Tsaritza's plan is finished in its entirety, your daughter stays with you, I visit whenever I get the chance. You get to protect your daughter and I get to continue my mission on carrying out the Tsaritza's wishes," Childe bargains, it seems more realistic than hypothetical situations at the moment.
      "Say that does happen, whoever has the most power over you within your own ranks finds out, comes back to me with a deal for (y/n), and we're back where we started, the duty of protecting her falling to me," your father is too good at this. I guess it makes sense why he's such a successful businessman. I wish he would just make me fight him for her, it would be so much easier. If he keeps this up, I might just— no.  Can't do that, then your chance fully disappears.
       Childe is going in circles in his head trying to find a way out of this loop. He needs a solution, any solution.
      "Look, kid, I am a very powerful man here. If you try to argue with me, I will find a way to counter you. You may be good in battle, but this is a business room, not a battlefield," your father taunts. After a moment, "If you don't stay away from my daughter, I can have you arrested. There's a big missing persons case going on right now, you'd be the perfect candidate for the perpetrator. Even if you didn't do it, I'm sure the Oratrice Mecanique d'Analyse Cardinale would still find you guilty. I'm sure you've done other crimes in Fontaine. The rules are very hard to avoid," your father threatens Childe.
      Overhearing everything, you can't hold yourself back anymore. You've been on the edge of your seat listening and now you have to do something. You go to the door and barge in, "Father. This is madness," you say with a sternness nobody has ever heard before. "Tartaglia did nothing to you. Why punish me for a prejudice you have against the Fatui? Sure, some of them are awful and have no chance for redemption. But Tartaglia is different—"
      "Well, I have kill—"
      "Not now, I'm trying to defend you. You're not helping," you and Childe's first married couple moment, cute. "As I was saying, he's different. He's the first man that I've met that I can see a future with. And you know how much you want me to get married, Dad. You just want a son to pass the business to and you're scared it's going to go into the hands of a Harbinger because you refuse to pass it down to me."
      "I didn't mean it like that, sweetie," your father interjects.
      "You literally said 'Your mother and I have set up some dates for you to give me a son to pass the business to' so I don't want to hear any excuses," you snap back. "Let me make my own choice for once. Everything has been pre-chosen for me ever since I was born. My role in life as a businessman's daughter, the spoiled rich girl, and your pawn was chosen since I took my first breath. This is one decision I will make for myself," you deliver the final ultimatum.
      "No," your father replies, coldly. "I'm going to have Tartaglia arrested. Claude, get the Marechaussee Phantom here now. Tell them I found the culprit of the mysterious disappearances case," your father calls his assistant.
      "Done, sir," Claude replies.
      You instantly pull Childe out of the room, bringing him up to your room, dragging him by his hand. He's walking too slow. "(y/n), calm down. Everything will be ok," Childe tries to reassure you, but you can't help the tears welling up in your eyes.
      Now in the safety of your room, you can't hold back, "Childe, I can't let you go! not yet," you sob into him, burying your face in his chest.
      "Shhhhhh... (y/n), trust me, even if I go, I won't be gone for long," the tall man coos, trying to soothe you. "When I had some free time while we weren't seeing each other, I had some spars with the champion duelists. I'm planning on asking for a duel instead of a trial. I know I can win," he looked down at you with a strange look in his eyes that you've never seen before.

wow.. i thought the last chapter was long lol

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 01 ⏰

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