The Garden

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      "(y/n), it's time for dinner," your mom coos as she pulls you out from the land of dreams.
      "Is it really? Already?" you ask, still wanting to be asleep so you have an excuse to think about Childe.
      "Yes, let's head downstairs," your mom says as you sit up. You take a second and take in your surroundings, everything in its usual place around your room. The white walls contrasted with the plants you had around your room, a personal extension of the greenhouse. Your vanity was neatly organized with an ornate mirror hanging above. The many pictures on your wall coordinated with your blue bedding, just as ornate as the mirror. Everything seemed harmonious except for the one doll on your bookshelf. The doll was a gift from your grandmother before she passed so you can never seem to get rid of it.
      You stand up and put a shawl over your nightgown to head to dinner. As you walk through the large house, your mind wanders to the decorations around the hallways. Large portraits, some of your grandparents, some of your parents, and one of you. You were only five when the portrait was done so you don't remember much of the process, only how much you wanted to be able to move around. You arrive at the dining room and seat yourself at your usual chair, on the left hand of your father, across from your mother.
      "Ooo! Dinner looks good," you say as the food is brought out.
     "Chef really knows what he's doing," your father responds.
      "Father, I have something to tell you," suddenly you decide to bring up the guard.
      When you finish explaining everything, your father responds, "I will have a private detective investigate this immediately."
     "I'm not so sure about you going out alone if someone is following you," your mother says, looking at you with concern in her eyes.
     "I'll always make sure I have someone with me from now on," you try to reassure your worrying mother. It seems to be settled that your father will be investigating and you will always be accompanied, so dinner finishes just like always, except for a knock at the door that comes just as you take your last bite of dessert. One of the butlers grabs the door and to your surprise, it's Childe.
You immediately stand up and adjust your robe as you go to greet him. "Oh! Childe! I wasn't expecting you."
"You know, I was thinking about sending someone to come get you, but then I decided to come myself," he replied with a smile.
      "(y/n)! Who's that at the door?" your father asks, curiosity piqued at hearing the voice of a man at the door. You usher Childe inside to greet your parents.
      Your father stands up as you enter the room, "Elroy Gauthier. It's a pleasure to meet you," your father introduces himself, hand outstretched for a handshake, "How do you know my daughter?"
      "We met at the baby shower earlier today and I found her endearing so I asked her on a date today," Childe replies, "Sadly, it was cut short due to my work so I was wondering if we could finish that date."
You were caught off guard by this because by this point it was nearly 8pm. Your face showed your shock so Childe put a reassuring hand on your shoulder.
"I appreciate you coming to ask permission. What was your name again?" your father asks, seeming to interrogate the ginger.
"Tartaglia, but my friends call me Childe," he replies with the same charisma he had when he introduced himself to you.
"(y/n), go get dressed, I'm gonna talk to Tartaglia here," your father addresses you with love.
You decide to follow his words and head upstairs. As you're heading up the stairs, you try to listen but to no avail. You decide you might ask Childe or your mother what was said later and head to put on your regular clothes.
As you are brushing your hair, there comes a knock on the door to your room. You open the door and there he is, the tall ginger you've grown fond of even over the course of one day.
      "Ready to go?" he asks, leaning against the door frame. He looks so cool with the suit you bought for him still on, his hair falling so nicely around his face perfectly framing his deep blue eyes.
      You touch his elbow with your free hand, "Of course! Do you have somewhere in mind?" you ask, hoping maybe you would go somewhere away from your dad's watchful eye.
      "I was thinking the greenhouse I've heard so much about."
       Not far enough away.
      "That sounds fun," you reply anyways, remembering about the macrons you have for him in the fridge.
      You lead him back downstairs and when you get to the kitchen you tell him "Close your eyes," and you go get the macrons. The two of you continue towards the greenhouse, through the dining room and into the hallway past your father's office. At the end of that hall, the door to the back garden and path to the greenhouse awaits.
      Childe stops you right before getting to the door by grabbing your waist and turning you to face him. "Have I ever told you how pretty you are?" he asks.
That was pretty sudden but, "I don't think you have," you reply with a smile, a light pink color flushing your cheeks.
"You didn't just assume I believed you were?" he replies, playfully teasing.
You scoff as you continue leading him to the greenhouse. You pass through the back garden past a mass array of different flowers, a rainbow of color popping out at you as you walk. As you are engaged with admiring the flowers, Childe is admiring you. Your face was one of pure wonder and amazement and he found himself unable to look away. With one swift motion, he takes hold of your hand so gently you don't even notice. A few more steps and the two of you have arrived at the greenhouse, hand in hand.





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