The Guard

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You decide to head back to the bakery anyway because you do have to pick up the raspberry macrons you ordered. You hoped you could share them with Childe in your greenhouse but that will have to happen another day. As you walk to the bakery, you feel as if someone is watching you. Your guard goes up but you keep walking. When you get to the corner right before the bakery, one of the guards from earlier steps in front of you.
"What business do you have with Master Childe?" he asks.
You look at him confused, why does he care what you and Childe are doing? Why does it matter?
"I won't ask nicely again, what business do you have with Master Childe?" he asks again, more stern.
"I was simply showing him around Fontaine. He asked me if I could show him some of my favorite places around the city so I took him to this bakery," you point at Fontaine's Memories, "a suit shop, and then we were going to go see the garden I keep at my father's house before he was pulled away for work," you say, trying to back away toward the bakery.
      "What motives do you have with him?" the guard asks.
     "M-Motives? What do you mean?"
     "What are you playing at? Why did you want to bring him to these places specifically?"
      "As I said, their my favorite places around Fontaine. I spend most of my time there," the way the guard asks the questions makes you question his profession again. He's definitely not a toy salesman if security is this high.
      "Very well. I will be keeping an eye on you, though," the guard says, eying you up and down.
      You rush into the bakery, "Camille!" you exclaim.
"What is it, mon chou?" Camille, Elise's mom and owner of the bakery responds. You had grown close with the owners of the bakery, Camille being of an older sister or aunt figure to you.
"So I went on what I'm pretty sure was a date with this guy I met at Brielle's brother's baby shower and I showed him my favorite places around the city because that's what he asked to do and of course I brought him here but when I was heading back home this Snezhnayan guard came up to me like 'What were you doing with him' and it freaked me out and before he left he said 'I'm keeping an eye on you' and I don't know what to do!" you rapid fire at Camille, without taking a breath.
"Woah, (y/n), take a deep breath. You're gonna be ok," she says, tone as sweet as the pastries she makes. "You should tell your father so he can send someone to investigate. Also, here," she hands you a creme puff, fitting, as that's what she called you when you ran in.
"Ok. I'll tell my father. Oh but that's not why I came back in the first place, haha! I actually—"
"Ordered a special batch of raspberry macrons, for your 'what you think was a date' I assume?" Camille finished your sentence as she hands you the neatly decorated box of goodies. "Elise already told me about him. From what she said, he sounds cute. What's his name?" she asks, trying to calm you down.
"When I met him he introduced himself as 'Tartaglia' or 'Childe,' so I called him 'Tartaglia' until he asked me to call him 'Childe' which, I honestly prefer because it matches his personality better. Complicated, I know," you reply, glad at the opportunity to talk about the ginger.
"He sounds like someone as unique as you," she says, getting back to the baking she was doing when you came in.
      "He's so great. He has such an air of confidence around him it pulls you into him. Sometimes I think he doesn't even realize he's flirting, which I find hilarious and endearing all at the same time," you gush.
      "I have a feeling you really like him," Camille responds, "I think you should head back home too. Especially with the guard. Don't forget to tell your father."
     "Ok. I will. Thanks for the macrons! I'll see you later Camille!" and with that you leave.
      You return home and are greeted as usual by the staff, "Where is my father?" you ask the chief maid.
      "He's in his study, but he did seem a little tense," she warns.
      You decide to wait to tell your father until you see him at dinner so you put the macrons in the kitchen and head out to your greenhouse.
You do your usual rounds of watering all of your plants, checking the soil to see if it needs fertilizer, seeing if there are any new flower blooms so you can log them in your journal, etcetera, but it all seems off. Normally you enjoy the thrill of seeing what your plants need and if there are any new flowers but now, it just feels like a chore. Is it because you found someone who was more fulfilling than your plants are? Or is it because the guard threw you off? You decide to go back to your room and just take a nap before dinner, there are two hours before dinner is ready. It's always ready at 6:00 pm sharp, a routine set in place by your father's tight work schedule.
When you get to your room, you change into your nightgown because you've spent all day in nice dresses and you need a break from the frills and big skirts. As you climb into bed your mind wanders back to Childe's hotel room. The narwhal plushie isn't something so easily forgettable after all. His bed was also soft, not the standard 'hotel stiff' you're used to. You imagine what Childe's reaction might've been when he first got to the unfamiliar room:
"Ah, finally, a nice bed," the ginger-haired man sighed in relief as he flopped back-first onto the sterile looking bed. "Woah, this is comfier than normal. I really like this," he continues.
It was like watching a movie and Childe is the main character. As you continued to think of the tall man with the deep blue eyes, you drift off to sleep.




you all are lucky— two parts in one night just because i'm procrastinating school lol

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