Unbreakable Bond : Chapter 6

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Let's continue...

Alirsh went to their respective home as they don't want Sunaina and Mr Ahuja come to know that they know the truth...As per Mr.Ahuja's plan Sunaina ask Chirag for getting engaged tomorrow only and then court marriage ... Chirag agreed for it ..

__________Next morning_________

The decoration for the engagement had already started ...they were doing engagement on a grand level as they will do court marriage ...So all the preparation started... Chirag was coming downstairs and Alia was going upstairs when he bumped into her ...Alia was about fall but he saved his sister ...Alia looked at Chirag and says...

Alia : Chirag pls don't marry Sunaina she is not good for u

As soon as these words went in his ears he lossed his grip on Alia and she fell down from stairs...sparsh was at the door he saw this and ran towards Alia and made her stand...her elbow was bleeding badly ...Sparsh just glared at Chirag and left with Alia ... Chirag was deep down regretting of what he did with his sister...but shrugging off the thoughts he went towards car and went somewhere...

____________In the evening____________

The hall was ready for the engagement ...the bride and groom was also ready ... They went near the couch and take their seat ...soon guest started greetings them and congratulating ...Alirsh were in their casual clothes only....Chirag and Sunaina went towards Alirsh...

Chirag : Miss Ahuja why aren't you in your designer dress..after all it's my engagement...right Sunaina (put his hand of Sunaina's waist and pull her towards him )

Sunaina : Right my dear !!

They both smirk at Alirsh and went towards the stage...It was time was engagement but but still 20 min were left ...Alia comes on the stage and took the mic...

Alia : Good evening ladies and gentlemen ...thank uu so much for coming in my brother's engagement... I have a suprise for my dear to be bhabhi and bhai on this occasion.....pls see towards the projector !!

They all turned their gaze towards projector...a video was begin played and this video made all of them shocked... especially Chirag , Sunaina and Mr.Ahuja...yesss it was the video of sunaina and Mr.Ahuja meet and revealing the truth...Chirag was having tears, anger, regret, guilt in his eyes... He took the mic...

Chirag : Sorry everyone now the engagement is cancelled...thank u for coming ....now u all can leave...

As soon as the guest left the hall ... Chirag comes towards sunaina and slapped her hard making her fall on the ground...she stands up on her own...

Sunaina : Chirag believe me I didn't do anything it's not me ...

Chirag : Woowwww !! (Clapping sarcastically ) this is not u but your twin sister !? I didn't know about this..or this girl in video is your look alike..

Sunaina was numb...she didn't said anything...after a while

Sunaina : Chirag this is seriously not me ...(turned towards Alia ) this girl don't want  us to be get married this is a game against me...

Chirag (making Sunaina turn around)  : Game !!!! You played a game with me with your bloody father ...(shouted his lungs out )

Mr.Ahuja : Yess... yess.. this was my game... Which was  played by me with u all...and Chirag how stupid  u are u weren't trusting your sister..woow what a brother u are...so much of love ...now I will go from here and u won't be able to catch me...

At that moment cops entered whom Sparsh called when the whole drama was taking place...cops arrested Mr.Ahuja and sunaina ...a lady cop slapped sunaina because she was behaving like a witch...

Mr.Ahuja was taken in the jeep of cops..Sunaina was still behaving like a witch...she says to chirag...

Sunaina : Mr.Chirag Batra and Alia Batra i will come again and will ruin your life ..

Chirag goes towards her and again slapped her hard making her cheeks turn in blood red colour...

Chirag : We will see ..

Sunaina : It will cost expensive...

Chirag : I don't like cheap things and people like u ...now get lost from here ..

Lady cop took her too in the jeep...Chirag turned towards Alia with tears but she looked away... Sparsh side hug her as she need someone to console her...

Double update !!
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Ria and pawani
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