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Clouds had gathered in the sky, threatening rain as Stormstar padded into his camp.

The warriors of WindClan stared at him with wide, curious eyes, as if they wondered which beloved cat he would murder next. That's who we are, Stormstar thought. It'll never change.

They stepped back, giving him room to cross the clearing. Stormstar paused, trying to catch someone's gaze.

Thornface narrowed his eyes. Galetrot looked away, as if he were ashamed.

The Tallrock loomed ahead, grey and empty. Stormstar leapt to its top in one single bound. The wind whistled in the distance as he turned towards the silent crowd.

He parted his jaws, but the words were caught in his throat, as if snagged by invisible claws. Cloudstar. He struggled not to flinch. What did she do to Mouseleap and Beestream? Horror drifted through his mind like a dark, damp cloud.

Thornface cleared his throat. "I guess if you won't speak, I will." He climbed to his paws, tail lashing. "What's wrong with you?"

"I–" Stormstar choked, trying to clear his head. "--I know you aren't happy with me."

"You killed two senior warriors in one night," Thornface snapped. "Why?"

Stormstar could feel the warrior's eyes slicing through his skin. He looked away. "I didn't know what to do," he admitted. "It... seemed right."

Galetrot's eyes were wide. "You're not Stormshade," he murmured. "Stormshade wasn't a murderer."

"Or a coward." Foxrunner's ears were pinned to her scalp. "We would've won, but you surrendered before a single cat was even wounded."

Stormstar fought to suppress the indignance rising in his throat. His chest was hollow with humiliation. "I didn't want anyone else to die," he explained. "Destroying ThunderClan would've only brought us to war with ShadowClan and SkyClan."

"He's right." Hailstorm padded to the foot of the tallrock. "Can we afford so much fighting?"

"Sunclaw tried to kill me. I had to do it." Stormstar's voice wavered, and he realized he was trying to convince himself more than his Clanmates. Get a hold of yourself! His fur began to spike, and he sat, attempting to hide it. No, no, no!

"And Goldenstar?" Swiftleap's tail lashed. "He was a good cat!"

"Look at the marks on Stormstar's throat." Hailstorm tossed his head towards his adoptive father. "It was self defence!"

Swiftleap flicked an ear, a challenge in his eyes. "Who struck first?"

Stormstar gulped. "Goldenstar charged at me, but... I..." I intended to kill him anyway.

"But you what?" Swiftleap took a step forward, standing shoulder-to-shoulder with Thornface.

Stormstar's heart skipped a beat. "I regret it anyway," he mewed, forcing his voice to become solemn. They can never know. He dipped his head. "Goldenstar was like a father to me, and the best mentor I ever had. I have never regretted anything more." His mew caught in his throat. I can't believe I'm doing this. "Tonight, I will bury him alone."

Swiftleap shifted on his paws, eyes flashing with sympathy for his apprenticehood friend. "I-I'm sorry."

"No." Stormstar's chin rose, and he met Swiftleap's gaze. "I'm sorry."

Thornface scoffed. "That's dung," his voice was sharp. "From both of you!"

The camp grew silent once more. Nobody had so openly spoken out against a Clan leader in moons. Stormstar puffed his chest, attempting to look authoritative. "I–"

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