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"...A moon ago?" The world seemed to spin, and Stormstar felt his heart sink into his stomach. The night of my leader ceremony.

"A moon ago," Rushstripe repeated. He fell onto his haunches, landing in soft, golden grass. "We've searched everywhere, except..."

Stormstar didn't need to hear him finish. The Dark Forest. "I understand," he mewed solemnly.

"You don't." Rushstripe's mew was dark. "We can't afford to lose you."

"I don't–" Stormstar broke off, swaying on his paws. He was beginning to feel ill. "--Plan on dying," he croaked.

"You're waking up," Rushstripe murmured. Stormstar lifted a paw, his breath hitching as he watched it slowly fade into thin air.


"Be safe." Rushstripe took a step towards the WindClan leader, eyes narrowing. "Remember: Cloudstar can be anywhere."

* * *

"Wake up!" Stormstar felt rough paws jabbing at his ribs, and Hailstorm's scent wafted into his ears. "Someone's here to see you!"

Stormstar sat up, frantically trying to blink the exhaustion from his eyes. "Who?"

"I don't know!" Hailstorm lowered his voice. "He's wearing a collar. Brambleblaze is talking to him."

Fur bushing, Stormstar scrambled from his nest, shouldering his way out of the leader's den. Rounding the Tallrock, he caught sight of Brambleblaze, standing at the foot of the tallrock.

"What's going on?" The Clan leader hissed.

A black-and-white tom in the centre of camp craned his neck. "Is this the one?"

Brambleblaze nodded stiffly. "Sure is. Stormstar, have you met Bruno?"

"I have now." Stormstar ran his tongue along his flank, trying to force his messy fur down. "What are you doing here in the middle of the night?"

"Jay told me it was important to come," Bruno meowed solemnly. "He says you're very special to him."

Brambleblaze huffed. "Jay seems quite special himself," he murmured.

"Silent!" Stormstar shot his deputy a look, anxiety prickling through his paws. "What does Jay want?"

"A meeting," Bruno's voice was smooth. "Tomorrow night – you and him, at the border of Horseplace. Can you make it?"

Stormstar paused as Brambleblaze shifted awkwardly beside him. Winnowfall poked her head out from the moor-runner's den.

"Why would he do that?"

Bruno angled his ears towards her, but kept his blue eyes on Stormstar. "Jay said you wanted to bring the lake peace," he mewed. "That's one thing you two have in common."

Stormstar felt cold. Jay knows so much about us.

"I wouldn't," Brambleblaze whispered. Leaning towards his friend, he added, "Stormstar, this cat–"

"He'll be alone," Bruno reminded the WindClan leader. Giving him a knowing look, he added, "Unless you're afraid of a kittypet."

Stormstar blinked, suddenly self-conscious.

Winnowfall glanced at him. He felt Hailstorm's pelt brush his flank.

They're all watching.

"Nobody will think less of you," Brambleblaze mewed seriously.

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