Aubrey gets a part-time job

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It was nearing winter, and the weather had started to turn colder. Sunny and Mari were enjoying their breakfast in the warmth of their home when a knock on the door pierced the silence. Mari smiled at Sunny, before standing up to answer the door.

"Oh, Aubrey! Come in! What brings you here so early in the morning? And what's with the bags?"

Sunny, catching the familiar name being called, popped his head out of the dining room. Aubrey stood in the doorway, a large pet carrier in one hand, and several plastic bags in the other. She put the bags down, exhaling as she did.

"Morning, Mari. I... actually got a favour to ask of you-" She caught Sunny staring. "-two."

"What is it, Aubrey?" Mari looked worried for a moment. "You didn't... run away from your home, did you?"

"What? Oh! No, no, no!" Aubrey lifted the pet carrier. "I just wanted to keep Bun-Bun over here for a few weeks or so! I'm starting a part-time job in the evenings at the new cafe opening up, and-"

"You're starting a part-time job!?" Mari worried look immediately turned into a winning smile. "Wow! I'm so proud of you, Aubrey! Look at you, getting more mature and stuff!"

"-er. Thanks Mari." Aubrey continued. "Point is, I feed him at about 8 in the evening, but my new job lasts till 10pm. So if it's not too much trouble..."

"Sure thing, Aubrey! Bun-bun eats carrots and greens, right?"

"Yeah, that's what these are." She pointed to the mass of plastic bags she set on the floor. "I figured I could prepare basically all of it first and count on you guys to ration it out."

"Of course!" Mari replied. "Why don't you join us for breakfast? You can leave Bun-Bun over by the coffee table for now."

"Oh, I don't really want to impose-" Aubrey's stomach grumbled loudly at this, causing Mari to smile wider, and Aubrey to flush slightly. Sunny nodded to Mari, piling a set of pancakes onto a third plate.


Eventually, breakfast was finished, Bun-Bun's new living quarters were set up in the living room, and Aubrey found herself sitting between Mari and Sunny on the couch, conversing (mainly with Mari) in front of the off television.

Sunny felt kind of left out. Even though he was sitting right next to Aubrey, she and Mari seemed to be off in their own world, swapping stories of school or hooligan-related drama. The stories started off interesting at first, but he was getting bored of yet another "dumb thing that Mikhael did", or another "social mistake some college professor did". Gingerly, he leaned himself onto Aubrey in an attempt to get attention, then lowered his head slowly onto her shoulder. This earned a tousle of his hair, but not much else.

Slightly annoyed at being ignored, he started lightly rubbing his cheek on her shoulder, before settling on inching his hand closer to Aubrey's. His attempts to get attention from Aubrey did not escape the notice of his sister, and her smile kept growing wider as Sunny continued.

"What's so funny, Mari?" Aubrey eventually asked, quizzical.

"Aw, Aubrey. You can't tell me you haven't noticed Sunny's been trying to get your attention for the past 5 minutes."

At this, Aubrey stopped ignoring Sunny's weight on her shoulder, looking towards him. "Sunny...?" Sunny stopped, looking up to face her with a sad, lonely look in his eyes.

Erk. Aubrey clutched her chest in her thoughts so strongly she nearly did so in person as well. Her face turned pink. Sunny is so adorable! I wanna hug him! She cried out in her thoughts. Her arms twitched, almost in response to what her inner thoughts sounded out, only held back by the sensible part of herself warning her that Mari was right there.

Seemingly sensing her conundrum, Mari got up, only to push Sunny's head into Aubrey's lap. "I'll get a head start on preparing Bun-Bun's food. Enjoy yourselves, you two!" She smiled, making her way to the kitchen.

The blush on their faces only intensified when Mari looked back and teased, "Oh, but not too much, there are some things you two shouldn't be doing in broad daylight~".

She proceeded to duck into the kitchen before Aubrey threw a couch cushion at her.


Aubrey played her fingers through Sunny's hair as the two of them recomposed themselves. "Sorry for ignoring you there, Sunny. " She started.

Finally getting some attention from Aubrey, Sunny's expression changed from a frown to a small happy smile. He flipped onto his back, exposing his small smile for her to see.

Hmmgh. She felt her face heat up, pursing her lips to stop her own growing smile. "Oh, Sunny-Bun." She stroked his hair. "You're too cute."

Oh, the pet names. No matter how many times she called him by a pet name, he would turn into a blushing mess each time. Sunny began to cover his quivering smile and reddening face with a couch cushion, before Aubrey roughly pushed it away with a grin. Watching Sunny squirm and attempt to cover his shyness gave her an odd sense of satisfaction, as she worked to removed Sunny's hands from covering his face. She leaned in closer to him, stopping centimeters away. "Why're you covering yourself up, Sunshine?" She felt him tense, his eyes darting from her to everywhere else. "Are you getting shy?"

Sunny felt his heart rate shoot up. His hands held in place by Aubrey, he could only stare at the beauty with the glint in her eye dominating his vision. He closed his eyes, unable to stop his fidgeting, yet also unable to cover his blush or his trembling smile. Desperately, he flipped himself onto his side once more, nuzzling his face into Aubrey's shirt. Surprised, Aubrey released her hold on his hands, only for him to reestablish them around her waist. A muffled murmur came from her stomach. "D-Don't be so mean, Aubrey..."

She chuckled, stroking his hair once more. "You're just the cutest, Sunny." She kissed him on the cheek, causing his blush to spread down his neck, and his grip to tighten on her. "I love you so much."

"...Love you too." came the delayed muffled response.

She closed her eyes, relaxing on the soft couch with the one she loved so much in her lap, and slowly drifted to sleep with a smile on her face.



Sunny came up to the doorway while Aubrey was putting on her shoes.

"A... Aren't you forgetting something?" Sunny said, looking away sheepishly.

Aubrey gave him a confused look, before embarrassedly smiling and pulling him in. She closed her eyes, meeting his lips with her own. She felt his body tense up, his knees almost buckle, and a small smile creep onto his face. Their hesitation and nervousness at such a bold action slowly faded, as they moved their lips to match each other, breaking apart only to plant more kisses onto each other's lips.

Their heavy makeout session was interrupted by a smiling Mari clearing her throat behind Sunny.

They pulled apart at the same time, Sunny massaging the back of his neck, and Aubrey looking away. Mari addressed the beet-coloured lovers. "I think what Sunny meant was this:" she said, as she lifted up Sunny's hand. A pink wallet rested within his grasp.

Aubrey flushed crimson, taking the wallet with mumbled thanks, before turning to leave. "Take care of Sun-Bun while I'm gone." Aubrey repeated softly.

"Sure- Wait, Sun-Bun?" came Mari's response. Her smug grin grew larger.

Aubrey facepalmed. "F- BUN-BUN. BUN.BUN. NOT S-SUN-BUN."

Mari smirked. "Oh, don't worry, I'll take real good care of your Sun-Bun for you, Aubrey~~"

As Sunny started melting on the spot, Aubrey quickly let herself out before she embarassed herself further.

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