Sunny Falls Ill

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Aubrey had not visited Sunny for only about two days, yet the strange sensation in her heart compelled her to visit him that weekend. It wasn't that she was overly worried, though she did feel like she wanted to see him every day if she could. It was more a strange feeling of concern, like there was something happening to him. And so she found herself standing outside Sunny's house, knocking on the door, hoping to prove herself wrong and see her beloved once more.

An awkward pause. She knocked again, before she heard footsteps from deeper within the house head towards the door. It swung open, revealing Mari, her hair slightly disheveled. Mari gave her a winning smile. "Good timing Aubrey! You're here to see Sunny? He's recently become very feverish." She took Aubrey by her hand, pulling her into the house. "I'll be needing to get some medicine from the pharmacy, could you watch him for a bit?"

While Mari didn't show it on her face, her curt behaviour and her slightly furrowed brow betrayed the concern she had for her little brother. Noticing this, Aubrey let herself get pulled into Sunny's room without complaint. If anything, she started feeling an odd feeling of happiness creep in, not only from somehow knowing in her heart that Sunny was ill, but also knowing she was being trusted by Mari to take care of him alone. I'll be taking care of him with no one else in the house... That last thought repeated in her mind a few times, before she dispelled the thought.

Mari sat her into a cushioned chair next to Sunny's bed, putting her hands on Aubrey's shoulders. "Aubrey..." Mari put on a smug grin. "I know it'll only be the two of you in the house, but I'm trusting you won't 'take advantage' of the situation, alright?"

Aubrey blushed pink. "Mari! Just go get the meds!" She stood up, hastily pushing the smiling Mari out of Sunny's room. How did she know? Aubrey thought, closing the door behind her. She sighed, taking in the sight of Sunny on the bed, his face flushed not from embarassment, but from being feverish. A wet towel lay on his forehead, a bowl of iced water on the end table by his bedside.

Sunny's breathing was slow, but regular, Aubrey noticed. The pillow he was lying on hugged his face, giving it a small, squishable look. He looked comfortable, despite the sweat rolling down his cheeks. Aubrey's heart throbbed. Sunny looks like a melting bunny... I wanna hug him, but... Aubrey sat by Sunny's side, pursing her lips. She reached over, poking Sunny's cheek once, her finger squishing his soft skin. As she pulled it back, she noticed the sweat on her finger, wiping it on her jacket. "Sunny... You're sweating so much. Why're you still wearing a vest over your shirt...?"

Sunny stirred slightly, his eyes fluttering open. "Mmmn... Auby?" He flashed her a small smile, happy that the first thing he saw the moment he woke up was her.

-Auby? -Auby? -Auby? Sunny's soft voice repeated in Aubrey's head multiple times. She clutched at her chest in her mind, the pet name said with such a cute smile causing her to blush deeply. It's not fair for him to be this cute! She gave him a happy grin, kissing him on the forehead, resisting the urge to overheat him with a full hug. "Auby's here for you, Sunny-honey!" Sunny flushed deeper, pulling the covers up to cover his embarrassed smile. They basked in the intimate silence for a moment, before Aubrey spoke. "That being said, let's get this vest off of you, Sunny. You're overheating as is."

"Mmmnn..." Sunny responded weakly. He sat up slowly, but offered no more resistance or help. Aubrey began pulling at Sunny's vest. As her hands roughly glided across his body, he seemed to jolt, his face flushing more red than before. "Sunny? You alright?" she asked, pulling the vest over his head. She threw it to the side, watching it land near Sunny's dresser. Sunny looked away, pursing his lips, and giving no response, prompting Aubrey to smile and nudge at his stomach.

Sunny and Aubrey's Heart-Throbbing Love lifeWhere stories live. Discover now