The Older We Must Get

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Well everyone was asleep in their house and happy or what they felt to be happy but Emily felt a little different when she woke up that morning....

*******************FF5 House***********

Wow... I must have stayed up a little late but... *yawn* man I feel older and I love this ring that Crouton gave me I wounder if hes awake? Emily said to her self in her head and she then got up out of bed and stretched and walked by the mirrior in her room and looked at it and didn't do anything and kept walking but then stoped and walked back slowly and looked into the mirrior and she looked at her face really closely and she looked way older than 14 she looked 24! But she couldn't have just aged over night!? What the heck is going on???!!! I look cute but how did I get from being 14 to being 24!? Emily said in her head in a panic and all she could do was pace back and forth and then relized that she got a little more taller and she liked that but her arms were still short! (It's a joke that I have a made up disease called SAS Short Arm Syndrome) But Emily then came to the conclusion to go to Crouton and see what he would say or do but was mostly hoping to see his morning hair be all crazy from being all crazy last night from trying to scare chap stiuqe but all he did was have a dance off with chappy and of course Crouton won. Soon after, Emily got to Crouton's room and she was confused and felt different walking in his room from being a little shorter and she felt like she had more feelings for him than before. "Crouton.... Babe come on please wake up it's important!" Emily said in a medium voice and then Crouton finally woke up and looked at emily and put his head back on the pillow and then said, "Yes, baby what do you want?" and emily sat on the bad and sat back against the wall and then started but crouton suddenly was wide awake and said, "EMILY!" and gave her a hug and said, "Are you ok? Last night I was worried about you! because of what happened and then you having to go to the hospital and getting that thing hit and some guy taking you away to his labortory or whatever, and madison and madelyn were taken too I hope they're ok, but i'm just glad that my Angel Eyes still has her Angel sparkling Eyes" and then smiled and rubed his hand on the side of emily's face and Emily was sooo confused and didn't know what was going on and had her mouth just wide open and Crouton said, "Umm... Baby you ok? Oh... Wait the hospital said you might have had some visions or dreams while under the ager thing and OH YEAH! YOU LOOK SO DIFFERENT AND EVEN MORE BEAUTIFUL ANGEL!" Crouton said and putting his hands around his mouth and getting up and walking around his room and then looking at emily and all emily could do was have her mouth open and then 5 secs later say, "W-w-what happened to me and my friends crouton!?" and crouton still walking around his room in astonishment and then biting his knuckle and then sat down on his bed and then touched emily's hand, still soft and warm, man I love her and her eyes... ugh.. so beautiful God, thank you for blessing me with Emily and the ager thingy. Crouton said in his head and then grabed Emily's hand and looked at her in the eyes and said, "Ok. So I know this isn't going to be easy but last night we had the date and everything and I also gave you that ring on your fingre. Anyway I didn't want to seem like I was marrying you and so that's why we went outside and so I asked you there and I secretly put the ager potion in your drink because I love you emily, and I want us to be together, more than just boyfriend and girlfriend or really close friends but... Husband and wife. and so I did that and John and Seth wanted the same for Madison and Madelyn and so I let them use some of it and so I hope they are ok but I heard Madelyn got k-i-s-s-e-d by j-o-h-n" and emily was amazed by all of what Crouton just told her and didn't know what to say but looked at crouton with a worried look and say in her head, Lord keep Madison and madelyn in your hands before something goes wrong and I pray, Amen.

******************Skillet House**********************

Woah.... I feel a little funny but what happen last night? Madison said in her head while getting up and walking not in a straight line but she got to the bathroom and then got her balance by holding the counter and then she was looking down a her feet but then she looked at them again and relized that they were bigger than before and then she slowly looked up to the mirror and she almost screamed but put her hands over her mouth and then looked at face and said in her head, Lord what happened to my little body? and then she walked out and slamed her bed room door and was thinking and pacing and trying to figure out everything and not talk to anyone until they asked about her looking a bit different.....

While this was all going on, Madelyn was sleeping but was woken up from a door slamming and she then layed her head down but then rolled over and she seemed to be feeling a bit different and oddly older and so madelyn got up and then went to the bathroom and walked past madison's room hearing her bang her head against the wall but madelyn just kept walking to the bathroom and then she got into the bathroom and looked into the mirror at her face and she was amazed and shock and said in her head, ok so I wanted to marry John but me looking like this older about 23, I could get seth and she then walked back to her room not as shocked as madison or emily was at this new form of them.

After while, Madison soon came to the conculsion of going to John and see if she could get any anwsers and so she got to his room and stomped in there and said, "JOHNNNNN LANDRUM COOPER!!!! GET UP!!!!! NOW!!!!" and John then woke up and rubed his eyes and saw madison with her hands on her hips and he was smiling but was surprised about the potion working and said to madison, "it's ok, I made you grow up because Madison I love you and I feel its better that you grew up and then we could get...." "get... *gasp* MARRIED?!" Madison said in excitment and then jumped up and then sat down and grabed john's hand and said, "This is awesome! but how old am I?" madison said and john smiled and he said, "22, and im 30, i used the de-ager so i could be younger just for you, Twinkie." and then tapped madison on the nose and then they hugged each other and madelyn saw this all happening and soon walked off and went to Seth's room but he was sleeping so she went back to her room but little did she know that seth wasn't sleeping her was pretending so that he wouldn't have to talk to her for a moment and didn't feel like explaining even though madelyn was the one who created the Ager potion and give to all of them but sold it to crouton so he could play it off as if he got it from some guy but Seth was happy that Madelyn was 23 and maybe they coud get married?.....

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