Chapter Eleven - A Day At The Park

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Chapter Eleven - A Day At The Park

   "Avery, wake up."

I grunt, trying to cover my body completely with my duvet. I feel something poke on my sides and I flinch, knowing that I was ticklish on that side.

"We're going to be late," it followed up, then my duvet gets snatched from me and I'm left with my bare skin out in the cold.

"I'm going to kiss you," it taunts and I hiss, standing right-up with my eyes half closed, trying to glare at the person.

"I'm up," I grumbled, rubbing my eyes out of sleepiness.

I stretched my arms and yawned, squinting as I try to make out the time on the digital clock. "I would rather not be kissed by the likes of you."

He pouted, crossing his arms. "Why?"

"Because you're a germ," I screech. "--a bacteria I tell you. You're that 1% germ that hasn't been killed."

He walks over and opens the windows, letting sunlight seep into my room. He ties my curtain and glances at me with a smile. Tch. Morning person.

"Get up, we still have a lot to do this day."

"Go," I motion him to the door with my hands. "--I'll be fixing my room."

He gives me one last unsure glance before closing the door behind him and I sigh, lying back on my bed.

This is better. Can I just skip today?

. . .

"Where are we going?" I groan, walking slowly just to try and piss him off, but he instead tries to be the good guy he is and walks with my pace.

"To Lance's house," he responded with a smile.

I arched a brow, looking at him for answers but he just smiles, not bothering to clear things out for me.

I released a sigh as Tom knocks on the door and a second later it bursts open, revealing Angie---which is Lance's mother.

"I see you've brought your boyfriend, Avery," Angie teases, eyeing Tom from top to bottom with an approving look.

She props a hand under her chin and grins. "You got good tastes, Avery. Didn't know you'd actually be interested in guys."

I flush red, seeing Tom smiling sheepishly with his cheeks and ears tint red.

I speak up, slightly stuttering. "H-he's not my boyfriend! He's my pet!"

"A pet?" Angie repeats. "--are you role-playing?"

"Is this what teens do these days?" she looks at me. "--I'm afraid I'm quite out of loop with the craze today."

I sigh, letting my blush calm down as Tom chuckles.

I murmured sheepishly. "I mean he's always following me. He might as well be my pet."

Tom looks down to glance at me. I raised a brow, seeing his mischievous smile.

"Am I being a good pet?"

I frown, crossing my arms. "I hate to say this, but you're totally suited to be a pet."

"Woof," he barks, putting his finger on my nose. "--was that good?"

I slap his finger off my nose. "Yeah that's right. Wear some leash and I might mistake you as some dog."

He chuckles, clearly amused by this weird conversation. "You're so weird, Avery. I doubt normal people have conversations like this."

I smirked. "Since when were we normal people?"

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