Rigged Game

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There was a disturbance in the ever-chaotic mansion—raised voices resounded from the music room. Normally, nothing except piano music and occasional violin music would pop up from there, but this time, there was people shouting. And if my ears serve, it was Mozart and Sakura.

"Haven't you anything better to do!?"

"Why are you acting like it's such a big deal?"

I ran into the room, but neither of them paid me much heed. They were too busy glaring daggers at each other. I swear, if looks could kill, they'd both be dead by now. Someone walked past me, and I only caught a glimpse of an eyepatch and a sword. He pulled Mozart back, bringing him to his senses. I stepped in front of Sakura, an arm outstretched. "Stop yelling at mom!"

Both Mozart and Jean stared in surprise. Sakura just looked tired.

"Mom?" asked Jean.

I shrugged. "She treats me like a kid."

"You are a kid," retorted Sakura. "And by your logic, Comte would be the dad."

"I'll be damned if I have to call him father," muttered Jean.

I looked between Mozart and Sakura. "Why are you two fighting anyway? I had an adrenaline rush just by listening."

"She touched my sheet music," said Mozart.

I gave him a hard stare. I looked to Sakura for an explanation, but she just shrugged and ran a hand through her hair. I then looked at Jean.

"Mozart dislikes it when his things are touched."

Sakura's eyes widened, and I daresay mine did as well. She bowed. "I apologize; I didn't know."

Mozart looked away. "I suppose I did go too far."

Sakura's expression softened as she looked up again. We left to wash the dishes, and she spoke about the last party they had gone to. Apparently high society parties were the best place for rumors. They say Comte is immortal, and he didn't seem to mind them, but we knew things would take a bad turn if people knew they were true.

"They'd come to the mansion with torches and pitchforks," I mused.

She smiled. "I know they live much longer, and because of that, they seem different."

"But they also seem rather human, despite all that."

"You wouldn't be saying that if I had my fangs in you," said Arthur, who was leaning against the doorframe.

"You're not allowed to touch someone without permission," I said, handing a dish to Sakura as she dried it. "And I know you're better than that."

"You give me too much credit, love."

"Better too much than too little," I said, turning off the water and leaning against the counter. Sakura dried her hands off, and then left the two of us to chat with a wave of her hand.

"I fancy a game of chess with you," said Arthur.

"The catch?"

"The loser grants the winner a wish."

"Don't do it, Hondje," warned Theo as he walked in. He threw a dirty look at Arthur and continued. "Arthur doesn't play games he can't win."

"So this is rigged?"

"You hurt my feelings," said Arthur, who didn't look hurt in the slightest. "I assure you I don't cheat."

"Isaac says differently," said Theo.

"Ah, maybe if he wasn't so busy thinking about apples all the time—"

"I was not!" said an annoyed Isaac, who walked in through the other door. "And you goddamn playboy cheater—" he let out a spew of curses and I whistled. Isaac stopped to catch his breath, and Arthur looked entertained.

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