Founded Rumors

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Spoilers for Shakespeare's route beyond this point.


Sakura had gone out with Comte yet again, sporting a new dress. I don't know how he's not bankrupt yet, and I'm starting to understand why Arthur thinks he's running some sort of shady business.

I was washing the dishes when she returned. Rather than helping out like she usually did, she leaned on the doorframe quietly, almost as if she were debating something with herself. Unable to stand it, I turned. "If there's something you need to say, then go on."

She sighed. "You've met William, haven't you?"

"Hmm. I'm not going to ask how you know because secrets don't really exist in this mansion."

A smile tugged the corner of her lips, but it faded quickly as she straightened. "Do you think you'll be meeting him ever again?"

I thought back to Will and the way we spoke on the balcony. The beginnings of dread sauntered up to me. "Hopefully not." I turned off the water and leaned against the counter, giving her my full attention. Considering the fact she was talking about him as soon as she came back to the mansion... "What happened at the party?"

She took a second to gather her thoughts, and then spoke as if she was telling me a bedtime story. "Comte was getting mobbed, so I stood in a corner of the ballroom waiting for the crowd around him to die down. Will and a woman were arguing, and it was rather easy to hear them since they weren't exactly talking quietly. The woman's name was Arlette, and she accused him of murdering her husband. Will didn't even deny it; he just looked down. The host broke up their fight, and Arlette stormed out after cursing Will out."

I didn't know what to say. I suppose Arlette would've made Theo proud. "That must have been a very interesting party," I said bitterly instead.

"Another woman at the party told me it wasn't unfounded either. Her fiancé was stabbed with Will's pen. He got off only because there was no evidence." Sakura turned to leave. "I don't know how much of what they said was true, but do be careful."

Sometimes rumors are unfounded, but sometimes they do have a foundation.


I looked up at the ceiling. While Sakura's story made perfect sense, something was off. Shakespeare wasn't exactly nice, but he didn't seem like a cold-blooded murderer. No wait, no serial killer looks like a serial killer; I was just being naïve. But this story had piqued my interest.

The next evening, I headed down to the town, making a quick stop at the police station. An attendant stood outside, humming to himself.

"Good day, sir," I said with a smile and extreme unseen cautiousness. He smiled back, and I asked him about the stories behind Will and Lucien.

"Will? Oh, you mean Guillame. Ah, that one's an old case Mademoiselle. It's been near ten years. Made the headlines back in the day. Will and Lucien were friends, you know." He shuffled his feet. "Lucien was found to have been stabbed with Will's pen, and Will claimed that he had lost the pen earlier. His whole acting troupe attested to it. Since there was no evidence, we just dropped it. Personally, I believe Will knows something about the murder."

I nodded, and the attendant went back to humming a tune that sounded suspiciously like London Bridge Is Falling Down.


Will visited the mansion that night to see Vincent. Comte had also dropped by the drawing room to talk to him, and I stood outside, eavesdropping. Arthur threw me an amused look as he passed me in the hallway.

"I heard what happened yesterday," said le Comte.

"It is nothing of importance, gentle Comte. Mere rumors spiraled out into something people believed to be the truth."

"Will." Comte's voice took on a serious tone. "If you are in trouble, please let me know. The mansion is still your home, and you are still my child." Will had no response, and I could almost feel him faltering. Go figure, Comte was treating him like a rebellious child. "Vincent will be back soon. Stay, and visit us whenever you'd like."

I was about to run, but Comte passed through the door before I could. He raised an eyebrow as he saw me outside. I gave him a sheepish smile, and he put a hand on my head before walking away.

I entered the drawing room to see Will staring at his knees.

"Shakespeare," I said. He turned in surprise.

"Ah, it's you." He paused and I tilted my head. "Your eyes remind me of the moon in daytime. A beautiful and rare sight."

"Yours looks like blood inlaid in amber," I said, taking a seat opposite him. "A gorgeous set of jewels."

"Your poetry is wasted on me," he said with a rueful smile.

I leaned back. "You seem very different from the man I'd met on the balcony." I paused. "I heard what happened at the party yesterday."

"A baseless rumor," he said. "But I do not deny them."

"I'm trying to imagine a situation where you're forced to blame yourself for a murder you didn't do, but I can't think of one." His eyes widened by a fraction, and I smiled as I caught that. "Thought so. Care to enlighten me?"

He shook his head. "Nay. Perhaps that of a murderer is another mask I wear, and you are searching for a reason to deny its existence."

"Perhaps the mask of a lost child is one you're hiding as well. I suggest you don that mask, it would do you and your father some good as well."

He stared. "My father?"

"Comte, of course." I rolled my eyes. "Arthur called him the mansion's daddy. If he says your home is the mansion, your home is the mansion."

Vincent walked in with a tray of cookies. "Lin?"

I smiled at him, and then stood up. "I'm glad we got to talk again, Shakespeare."

"Please, call me Will."

My eyes brightened. "And call me Lin."

Vincent looked between the two of us. "Lin, why don't you stay for a bit longer?"

I shook my head, swiping a cookie off the tray. "I need to get going, but have a nice reunion." I waved a hand and walked out.

Will didn't seem so bad. I wonder why everyone is usually on edge when they hear his name.

"Lin!" I looked back to see Arthur walking down the corridor. He briefly glanced into the drawing room before walking to me. "What do you think of him?"

I turned and headed down the corridor, Arthur falling into step beside me. "He's a little hard to read, but he doesn't seem like a bad person." I munched on Vincent' cookie. Sweet.

Arthur nodded, and I wondered what his thoughts were on the matter, but it wasn't too hard to guess. "You don't like him."

He threw me a sideways smile. "That obvious?"

I nodded, and held out the cookie to him. He took a bite. "Sweet. I don't like people I can't get a read on."

Arthur dropped me off in front of my room, and I stopped in front of the door.

"See you later then."

I stared at him for a second. The blue eyes, the mole under his chin. He might be a playboy and a horrid flirt, but he was gorgeous. I didn't realize he was smiling. He stepped forward and I took a step back.

"You got caught staring."

"You're just pretty." It should be illegal honestly.

He placed a hand on my throat gently, and I realized my heart rate had spiked. I wouldn't be surprised if he could feel the thumping on his hand. "Are you sure that's all?"

I stuck my tongue out at him and dashed into my room. I leaned against the wall, waiting for my heartbeat to settle down, and I heard his muffled voice from the other side of the door. "But you're beautiful too."

His footsteps faded down the hallway.


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