Forgotten Danger

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The next morning, I woke up to Arthur sleeping beside me. Having been taken off-guard, I might've crashed and lost my eyesight for a second time, but he was hugging me a little too tightly for that.

He blinked and smiled, sleepiness evident in his eyes and tousled hair. "You're awake. And you can see."

"How can you tell?"

"Because you're looking me in the eyes, love."

He sat up and stretched his arms, and I sat up as well, hopping off the bed. "Everything is still a little hazy," I said, looking around the room. Oh well, as long as I wasn't in danger of stubbing my toe somewhere. Arthur wrapped his arms around my waist, his head finding the crook of my neck.

"Think you can make it for breakfast?"

I nodded, and we headed down to the dining room together.

"Lin!" called Vincent as we both walked in. I had missed that angel's smile.

I waved a hand. "I'm back in the game!"

Arthur took a seat, but I remained standing as I looked around at everyone, meeting their eyes. "I'm sorry for causing trouble and making all of you worry. But really, truly, thank you for looking after me."

Vincent shook his head, and Comte just smiled his characteristic dad smile.

"If you know, then stop causing trouble for us," said Mozart, looking away.


"Wolfie's being nice," said Arthur with surprise.


After breakfast, I found my way to Jean's room.

"Jean?" I asked, knocking on the door. Silence. I was about to break open the door, but then decided against it. "Jean?"


"I wanted to thank you for carrying me back to my room and alerting Theo and Arthur."

"I didn't do it for you. I saw someone helpless and didn't like it. That's all."

Yeah, you keep telling yourself that, buddy. "Still, thank you. I just wanted to let you know."

Both of us fell silent, and I turned to walk away.

"How's your eyesight?"

I looked back to the still-closed door. "I can see again." He said nothing else, and I continued down the corridor.


Late that night, I walked down the hall, heading to the kitchen. I couldn't sleep so I thought I'd steal... er... find something to eat from the pantry.

I heard someone moaning as if they were in pain, and headed down the corridor, following the voice. Isaac was gasping, a hand on the wall as he stumbled along. I ran to him and placed a hand on his shoulder. Did too much studying finally drive him insane?

"Isaac? Are you okay?"

"Get away from me!" He shoved me away with the inhuman, unholy strength of the damned. With lightning speed, he had me pinned there, desperate and helpless.


The bloodthirst in his sakura-colored eyes set my heart racing, as if something had taken away the awkward Isaac I knew and replaced him. His fangs flashed as he lowered his head to my neck.

Someone grabbed Isaac by the back of his collar and pulled him back. Without Isaac pinning me against the wall, I slid to the floor.

"Isaac, you forgot your Rouge again, didn't you?" asked Napoleon in a quiet voice as he dragged Isaac down the corridor. Napoleon offered me a look of concern before they disappeared.

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