Haunted By The Past

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"It's because of that case from ten years ago," said Comte. I swear I didn't mean to eavesdrop. I heard Will's name and then my feet just stopped outside the drawing room, where Comte and Leonardo were currently talking.

"They can't blame him this time too," said Leonardo.

"It was his pen again," said Comte, his voice accompanied by the sound of a teacup being set on the table.

"Why Lin!" Fancy seeing you—mmph!" said Arthur who had sneaked up on me. I had thrown a hand over his mouth desperately, but the damage was done.

"Lin," I heard Comte say.

I threw a dirty look at Arthur, whose eyes were twinkling with mischief. With a sigh, I entered the room. "Yes, Comte."

"We've been eavesdropped on," mused Leonardo.

"I'm sorry," I muttered. "But anyway... seeing as I've been caught, could I ask for some more details? What's Will being blamed for now?"

"Arlette died the same way as Lucien," said Leonardo, setting down a wineglass that contained a substance I would never mistake for wine. "Will's pen was found in her, but Will claims the pen isn't his."

"This sounds interesting," said Arthur, walking in as well.

"I wanna help him," I said softly. Arthur sighed and looked at me with a slightly pained expression. I wanted to see if he would say anything, but he didn't. "Clause 1 of our informal contract says you need to tell me what's on your mind."

Leonardo and Comte shared a look. Arthur's lips twitched. "You seem to care about Shakespeare a lot. You keep getting involved in his affairs."

That does seem to be happening a lot, doesn't it?

"...Are you jealous?"

He neither confirmed nor denied it, and I threw my arms around his waist. "Sorry. I can't help it, but I swear I have no ulterior motive."

Arthur ruffled my hair. "I know. You're just like that." He smiled. "I'll help if you ask me."

I looked at him, his smile light and eyes lit up with mischief. "Please help the goddamn fool. It's bad enough he took the blame for Lucien's murder."

"Do you know something about that, ma cherie?"

And so I recollected my run-in with Arlette. I wonder... "What happened to that pen that Lucien was stabbed with?"

"It was given to Arlette as a keepsake," said Comte. "We don't know what she did with it."

"I daresay she stabbed herself with it," I muttered.

"You can't say that without investigating, love," said Arthur, poking my forehead. "Well then, I'll be back by this evening."

Arthur and William arrived together that evening, William saying he wanted to offer his thanks for having his name cleared.

"You were right," said Arthur, grabbing me by the waist. "It was the same pen."

"How did you know though?" I asked. "It's not like you've seen it before."

"You'd be surprised at how different pens are now when compared to ten years ago."

"Thank you, Arthur." He pushed my hair back and smiled.

Will approached us. "You have my gratitude." He looked like something that had been haunting him for years had disappeared.

"Consider it my thanks for finding Seren a home," I said. "And do stay out of trouble from now on."

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