Reappearing Door

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Arthur and Comte, led by Shakespeare, stormed Vlad's castle. William didn't enter with them, not wanting to catch his lord's eye.

Comte stopped Arthur as they neared the door, turning his head slightly as if he were listening. The wind carried the sound of a gentle, haunting lullaby over to them. Heading in the direction of the sound, they found Vlad tending to the roses. He inspected one lovingly, and then snapped it and threw it onto the ground.

"Why..." said Arthur, staring at the fallen rose.

"It was diseased. Had I not snipped it off, all of these would have fallen with it," he swept a hand over the other hundreds of roses in his garden. He finally turned to get a look at his intruders. "It's been a while, Abel."

"Where's Aylin?" asked Comte, ignoring etiquette.

Vlad cocked his head. "I wouldn't know. I didn't hear her coming in."

"And to what purpose did you kidnap a poor human child?" asked Comte. He gestured to the door, and Arthur nodded and left.

"I hoped to give a certain playwright a little inspiration for a new tragedy. Why, this—" he gestured to Comte "—is certainly amusing."

Comte's eyes were dark as thunder, the pleasant gentleman mask slipping off to reveal his other nature—something not quite gentle and not quite man. "You dragged my resident into it."

Vlad smiled. "She's not your child."

"She may as well be." He turned around. "Because we're old friends, I'll let you go this time. Leave my mansion and my children out of this."


I stared at Faust, wondering how to get Seren and me out of this situation without either of us ending up with major PTSD, when Arthur sauntered in as if it were just another day in our mansion.

"Oh dear," he said, looking around and inspecting a few glass vials. "Is this a laboratory?"


He smiled at me reassuringly, and I felt the stress drain out of me.

"Why don't you let the two of them go? You know you won't stand a chance against us," said Arthur, standing right in front of the entrance to the lab.

"Us?" asked Faust, looking incredulous. "You speak of you, this girl and the child?"

"Dear me, I prefer not to fight," said Arthur, sidestepping as Comte walked in. "I meant him."

Comte's eyes were pure rage, and Faust didn't even think twice before moving aside. Comte knelt down before me and Seren, a hand ruffling my hair. "Well then, shall we go home?"

I nodded, tears flooding my eyes as I blinked them back and processed how terrified I'd been since I'd run from the tavern. I lifted Seren and stood up, when the floor shook as if there had been an earthquake.

Comte and Arthur shared a glance. "This is like that time," said Arthur.

I knew what he was referring to, and Vlad walked in, his black cape looking darker when it was next to Comte's gold. "The door has reappeared, but it can't be opened." He looked at me, and I shivered under the full force of those red eyes. Comte stood in front of me, and I grabbed his coat. "I knew it had something to do with you. If only I had known just bringing you back to the castle would trigger the reappearance of the door..."

"We'll be leaving," said Comte, and he walked out with me and Seren, Arthur trailing behind us. I didn't stop to look back at Vlad or Faust, but hurried on, reassured by Arthur's hand on my back. Seren shivered during the carriage ride back, and I stared down.

"You alright?" asked Arthur, as he pulled me down to rest my head on his shoulder.

I shook my head, and he threaded his fingers through my hair.

Seren had fallen asleep in Comte's arms.

William was waiting for us back at the mansion with the rest of the residents. "My lady, you're safe." He looked genuinely relieved, and I smiled.

Sakura crushed me with a hug the moment I entered the drawing room. Vincent had taken a liking to Seren and they stood talking with Theo watching.

"If there's something wrong, you could tell us, you know," she said, pulling away to look at me. "You've got an army of nearly thirteen who would fight for you."

That almost got me crying again.

It was decided Seren would continue to stay with the widow from Will's troupe, since he had taken a liking to her. After bidding everyone goodbye, Shakespeare left with Seren.

And I was left to deal with the consequences of my actions.

"Are you mad?"

I smiled sheepishly, switching back to seriousness when Theo glared like I had eaten his pancakes. "I'm sorry," I said quickly. Then I paused. "And thank you. For worrying about me and rescuing me. Thank you."

Sakura ruffled my hair with a sigh. "I don't think anyone could stay mad at you after that." She turned to Comte. "The door is back, but it won't open."

Arthur tilted his head. "It's been a month."

Sakura nodded. Comte looked as if he were deep in thought.


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