1 | The Song Family

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Opening her eyes, she wakes up on her plushy bed, her body curled up cozily, hair sprawled all over her pillow. In her sleepy state, she moves her limbs around—feeling the soft mattress dipping beneath her smooth skin, gathering the courage to get up from the bed. 

Removing the soft comforter off of her body, she finally sits up, stretching her limbs, releasing the tension in her sore muscles accumulated during the night. Placing her feet on the floor, she slides them in her fluffy slippers, the soft synthetic fur making her delicate feet feel good. 

Standing tall, she walks towards her bedroom window and looks outside, looking at her staff maintaining her mansion, gardener watering the plants, guard sitting at her the gate, her father walking out to the driveway, stepping inside the car, and the driver driving the car outside from the main entrance.

"He is leaving for his monthly trip" she mutters as she walks towards her bathroom, to freshen up. It's the same old routine for her, wake up, freshen up, bathe, dress up nicely. She runs the comb through her hair and spritzes her expensive perfume at her pulse points.  

She spins in front of her walk-in closet mirror, checking herself one last time. She looks put together. Her black skirt falls over her thighs, lace shirt underneath her solid black top, hair dark hair cascading down her shoulders, lips pinks, cheeks tinted and lashes curled.

Since her childhood, her mother; Seo-Hyung, always told her that as an heiress, it is her job to look beautiful and feminine the moment she steps outside her room—even her staff is not allowed to see her in her pajamas as they are considered shodd...

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Since her childhood, her mother; Seo-Hyung, always told her that as an heiress, it is her job to look beautiful and feminine the moment she steps outside her room—even her staff is not allowed to see her in her pajamas as they are considered shoddy and unkempt. 

Fearing what would people think if they ever saw her dressed poorly. She was always made to feel that she is ugly in her natural form and that in order to be loved, she has to be presentable—always and only then a man would look at her or else no one would pay attention to her.

Satisfied with her look, she steps outside her room and spots Yoongi, her bodyguard. She greets him politely. He smiles, showing his gums as he bows down to her. "Good morning ma'am, your father has left the mansion for his monthly trip and your mother has asked for your presence in the main dining hall" he informs her briefly. 

"Thank you Yoongi, and please refrain from calling me ma'am when we are alone" she replies.

"As you wish, Yuri" he replies playfully. Yuri looks at him, simpering at his actions. He looks down at his watch, "let me escort you to the dining hall" he remarks. Bobbing her head, Yuri follows Yoongi. 

Yoongi has been working with her for the last three years, and over the years, Yuri has started enjoying his presence and when he is not here, she gets uncomfortable as she has to deal with a new face for the day. Being together eighteen hours a day, you are bound to develop a bond. 

For Yuri, Yoongi has always been by her side, protecting her, taking care of her, irrespective of her surroundings.

Growing up, she used to fight her father; Joon-Ho regarding his constant need to have her escorted by the bodyguards. Older men served her as protectors, walking around her to school and other places. It had always made her feel uncomfortable as children would bully her in school calling her the snowflake heiress, piggy princess, or other mean names, mocking and laughing at her.

The constant requirement to have a bodyguard escorting her to places led to her classmates avoiding her, not calling her to social events as they would feel uncomfortable around her bodyguards. They would often get frustrated over the fact that a bodyguard is always keeping tabs on their behavior and would report to her father if anything unwarranted happens, and her father would inform other parents.

So to avoid such incidents, they stopped calling her altogether, leaving her by herself, with no friends, whatsoever.

She constantly begged her father to be escorted without a bodyguard and her father would scold her, reminding her that she is an heiress and requires constant supervision, worried if something happens to her when she is alone and unguarded. He would often justify that having a bodyguard comes with being this rich heiress.

You should be proud of the fact that you are an heiress! Her father's statement would echo in her ears.

An heiress; she would often laugh at herself because this was not the type of life she ever wanted to have. Sure it looks rosy and comfortable from the outside, but only she knows what happens behind these walls.

The constant need to be presentable, spend money on useless things to maintain a wealthy lifestyle, unable to possess certain items because those are not meant for the rich. Dealing with an absentee father; who is never there for her because he is always busy and when he would be free, he would be flying away with his conquest for the week, leaving his mother alone at home.

Her mother drowning herself in alcohol, waiting for her father to come home from his affair trips, or going out with her rich female friends to enjoy her social gatherings, leaving her home—alone.

Her parents were not happy with each other, however, were together to maintain appearances because people do not divorce in the Song family. You have to belong to a wealthy family in order to associate yourself with the Song family, her mother came from an affluent family whereas her father's conquests were young, beautiful, and impoverished.

Even her acquaintances in adult life were hand-picked by her mother—to maintain such appearances.

Knowing that your husband is having multiple affairs is not easy but her mother adjusted to this lifestyle because she enjoyed being rich and all the perks that came with it while her father completely neglected his family because he was done with all the required duties as a husband and a father—providing financially for the family and maintaining their status.

She was often left alone in the home, with no friends to play with, no parents to speak with; just staff and servants giving in to her beck and call until the day Yoongi stepped into her life.

It was after months of begging to have a bodyguard around her age that her father finally agreed when she turned 19. She was happy to be escorted by someone young but was soon disappointed because when she met him, he seemed professionally distant.

From his first impression, Yoongi seemed different from all the bodyguards her father had hired over the years. Though he was around her age, he still conducted himself maturely.

"Good morning madam," he cleared his throat, "your father has appointed me to escort you around from this day on," he stated curtly as soon as Yuri stepped outside her room, dressed perfectly like a polished heiress. Scanning him from head to toe, she realized that he is different from the usual men her father had assigned her over the years.

Young, polite, and good-looking.

"Sure" she replied politely as she started walking down the stairs, maintaining her composure after seeing a new face in two years.

Reaching the dining hall, her maid; Cora pulls out her chair for her, allowing her to sit properly on the dining table—one of the unsaid heiress rules she used to hate; treating her staff like a second-class citizen, but nevertheless followed to avoid her mother berating the staff later.

"Good morning my daughter," her mother remarked, politely, her tone laced with superiority as she took a sip of her morning tea.

"As you can see," she places her cup on the table. "Your father has left for one of his trips" she rolls her eyes, her mother never liked the fact that her father was a promiscuous old man; hence the reaction. "So, I am heading out shopping with my girls," she smiles, her lips, painted nicely with deep red shade—a color used to represent her broken confidence. 

"We will be going to Milan, and we will be spending the weekend together, so you have the house to yourself. Please behave," she finished. By 'behave' she meant for Yuri to maintain being a classy heiress and not to spoil the Song family name.

"Noted, mother" Yuri replies as she digs into her morning spread.

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