4 | All I ever wanted is YOU.

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Yuri wakes up feeling the heavy pounding in her head. Her hands instinctively grab her head, palms pressing flat against her temples. Moving her palms in a circular motion, she tries to massage her temples, her fingertips pressing lightly against other parts of her head, trying to ease her pain.

Inhaling deeply, she rotates her neck, trying to soothe her neck muscles. Her eyes land on the bedside table, a bottle of pills with water is placed neatly beside a folded note. Curious, she grabs the note and reads it.

Have one, it will cure your hangover.

The writing doesn't belong to Cora, nevertheless, she chooses to ignore her questions and takes the medicine with some water. Getting off the bed, she heads straight to the bathroom to do her morning routine.

She is so used to the routine, following the same pattern for the last 20 years, that she continues to follow her routine even when her parents are not at home. As she is about to brush her teeth, her eyes notice a very prominent mark in the middle of her neck. 

Big purple bruise, her fingers automatically grazing over the mark. Then it hits her, she kissed him last night. Alarmed over her actions, she rushes outside her room, forgetting about her routine only to see no sign of Yoongi. 

For the first time in three years, Yoongi is not standing outside her room, he took a leave of absence without any prior notice. Her forehead creases in anxiety. 

Did he quit because of our kiss?

Is he avoiding me?

Does he not want to see me anymore?

She rushes to his room, twisting the doorknob she opens the door to see it empty. She can already feel her pulse increasing, she rushes downstairs hoping to see him anywhere inside the mansion—but he is nowhere to be found.

Sighing, she sits down on the table, thinking where else he could be, and then it clicks—the stables! 

She sprints outside and sees him standing outside the stable, tending to Bella, brushing her hair with his palms, completely oblivious to her presence.

"Yoongi!" she calls out to him. Hearing her voice, Yoongi turns his head in her direction, eyes taking in the sight in front of him, Yuri, standing in her dress from last night, hair sticking out of her messy bun. 

She is beautiful.

However, he turns back to the horse, choosing to ignore Yuri's presence. Scared he is rejecting her, Yuri runs towards him, she can't let him go, not after the kiss. 

The kiss.

It dawns on her that last night, not only did she kiss him, but he kissed her back. He kissed her back! He has feelings for her. Deciding to confront Yoongi, she marches up to the stable, while Yoongi continues to ignore her presence, for he knew if he looked at her again, he might not be able to control himself any longer, the kiss ignited feelings in him that he tried hard to suppress.

He knew at that moment that he loved her. 

"Yoongi! why are you ignoring me?" she demands, her voice laced with irritation.

"I am not ignoring you, I am just ashamed of my actions" he replies as he continues to brush the horse, still not looking in Yuri's direction.

"Ashamed? of what?" she asks, wanting to understand what is going on in his mind.

Yoongi moves his eyeballs around, trying not to look into her eyes as he replies, "The kiss..." Hearing his reply she feels a stabbing pain inside her chest, "I-I'm sorry about last night," he mutters. 

"Sorry? Why are you sorry, when I was the one who kissed you!" she retaliates. Yuri can feel her heart tearing into pieces, but pushes her feelings aside because right now she wants to hear how Yoongi feels.

She knows that somewhere he feels the same. All she wants right now is for him to accept his feelings, just once and Yuri will drop everything just to move far away with him. In another world where her parents don't exist, another world where only Yoongi, her, and their love exist. 

Waking up next to him every day, making love to him every night, following her dreams, making her own decisions, far away from this scrutiny—the world of the riches, and not worrying about the consequences of their actions.

"Even though you kissed me, I still shouldn't have kissed you back!" he replies softly, breaking her out of her thoughts.

It takes Yuri a second to understand what Yoongi meant.

"Why not?" she questions him. 

Amazed by her courage, Yoongi blinks his eyes, observing her features before he states "Because it is wrong". 

"Why is it wrong?" she raises her brow at him.

Taking a deep look at her, he sighs "because you are an heiress and I am your bodyguard" he answers.

"You know that doesn't matter to me, right?" she counters softly.

"I know," he exhales, tired of her constant barrage of questions, "but it matters to me!" he states.

"Why?" her voice breaks, eyes becoming glossy.

Yoongi grabs her face, his eyes brimming with tears, "because you are a beautiful diamond sitting neatly at this pedestal created by the society, seated up so high that I can't reach your height even if I wish to" a tear rolls down from his eyes.

Wiping his eyes with the back of her palms, Yuri whimpers "what if I don't want to stay at that height?" 

Yoongi grazes her cheeks with the pad of his thumbs, "even so, your parents would never be okay with it and you know that" he states as tears continue to stream down his eyes. "Being an heiress comes with certain responsibilities you know that! and I can't—"

"But what if I don't want to follow the rules made for me, anymore. What if I want to chase my dreams with you" she cuts him off as her eyes well up.

"Then chase your dreams, but without me" she sobs hearing his reply. Wiping her face, he continues "I don't want to be the one making you change your life's trajectory. What happens when one day you wake up and realize that this is not what you want, or what if one day you realize that what I have is not enough for you? Then what are you going to do?" he implores.

She pecks him softly on the lips, "I will never think that because Min Yoongi, being with you is the happiest I have been in my life and I would rather stay happy with you than be unhappy sitting on that pedestal created by society".

"But what if—"

"No Yoongi! cant you see how much I love you" she cuts him off, tears streaming down her eyes.

"Can't you see how much I love you? I could never give you the life that you grew up with" he pleads, thumbs wiping her face.

"I don't care anymore" she sobs "because all I ever wanted is YOU" she sniffles. Hearing her answer, he smashes his lips into her, tasting the saltiness of her pain. She kisses him back, her palms grabbing the back of his neck, while her other arms rest at the back of his head. 

His palms move around the form of her back towards her buttocks, grabbing a handful of them as he deepens the kiss while she brings her torso closer to his, trying to feel the closeness and the warmth of his body, lips moving together in sync.

He finally pulls apart and rests his forehead on hers, "I am never letting you go Song Yuri" he breathes out.

"Me neither" she replies and she starts kissing his lips again. Yoongi wraps his arms around her, engulfing her in his warmth as his lips continue to move around her, tasting her. Lifting her slightly from the ground, Yoongi starts walking while Yuri stays absorbed in his lips.

Holding Yuri tightly in his arms, Yoongi enters one of the empty stalls in the stable, his lips not leaving hers. Setting down her body softly on the pile of hay, Yoongi hovers her body, resting his weight on his arms beside her, and continues to devour her lips.

Yuri briefly opens her eyes to see where they are and pulls away from the kiss. "You're lucky I've sent everyone home for the weekend" she giggles as she wraps her arms around his body affectionately.

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