Chapter 7 - dirty little secrets?

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Avengers Compound

After some time Happy has shown you around the compound to the parts your allowed to see of course.

And honestly every second has been amazing, the compound was nothing like you expected, there's multiple lounges, a few kitchens and they even have a gaming room with two pool tables.

The place is spectacular in your eyes.

"And that is the training room" Happy says pointing towards the large room you both stood outside of.

You stick your head in for a quick peak and see a large boxing ring in the centre, with several types of gym equipment spread out across the room, making the place look very professional.

"Wow very cool, thank you for showing me behind the scenes of the avengers, you don't see much of this side" You say looking back to Happy.

"My pleasure, so now you have your first interview with...Miss Romanoff" He says looking down at his watch.

He looks back up to you with a smile "Follow me." He says before walking away, with you following after him.

Eventually you enter one of the many lounge areas where your met with the famous red head, Natasha Romanoff.

"So your the one that wants us to spill all our dirty little secrets?" She says with a quirked eyebrow and an intense stare.

Her gaze makes you feel small and anxious "What? No no I uh it's not-" You stutter out nervously.

She then chuckles softly making you stop and relax your tense shoulders "Relax kid, I'm just messing with you" She says with a soft smile, making you release the breath you were holding.

You really thought for a moment that she knew exactly what you were doing.

"Right, yeah sorry" You laugh out nervously as you rub at the back of your neck.

By now Happy begins to walk away before giving you a quick nod and smile, leaving you two to talk.

"So whats your name kid?" She asks as you both take a seat on the large oval couch.

"Oh uh Y/N-Y/N Parker" You mumble out nervously as you get comfortable.

Wow, you can't honestly believe how much of a fool your making of yourself, normally when doing this your great and relaxed, but something about this redhead intimidates you badly.

"Well then Y/N Parker, let's get started" She says with a slight smirk...

First avenger introduced, sorry its short again, the chapters probably will be for a while.

Cee ya beautiful sexy people later ;)

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