Chapter 10 - Not a big deal?!?

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Avengers Compound


You just outed yourself in front of an avenger, one of the head avengers none the less.

You just stand there not knowing what to say or what to do, hoping that he just found it more impressive than being totally inhuman.

"What the hell was that?" He asks finally speaking up.

You frantically start to think of what to say "oh uh well, I saw the lady about to fall from the corner of my eye, so I just went on's not a big deal" You say trying to cover up your slip up.

"Not a big deal?!?" He repeats in disbelief.

You shrug your shoulders awkwardly in response.

He then shakes his head a little as he takes a step closer to you "Y/N, that woman was on the other side of the room, you weren't even facing her?" He points out your immaculate speed.

"I did a lot of running in high school, I'm pretty fast" You try to justify, becoming increasingly nervous at his prying.

He shakes his head disapprovingly at your weak response "Why are you avoiding this so much, who exactly are you??" He says taking another step closer, only for you to take one back.

Ok now you've lost it, panic mode has set in and you need to leave.

"I'm just a reporter, look it was great meeting you Mr Stark but I really should be going now" You laugh out nervously as you pretend to look at the time on your watch.

He shakes his finger in front of him "Nuh uh! Now wait just a min-" He goes to stop you, but you're already bolting it away.

"Bye Mr Stark!" You shout over your shoulder as you run.


You make it back home, exhausted by the events of the day.

Your now back in your room, sitting at your desk getting ready to work on this stupid article as you replay everything that happened today.

You sigh heavily "God Y/N your such an idiot, of course that was impossible for a reporter to do" You huff out with frustration at your stupidity from earlier.

You lean back in your chair and run your hands down your face tiredly.

You then take a deep breath in and sit up right and shuffle forward more to your desk "Right, what have I got on this stupid article..." You say whilst opening up your files and notes from today.

You let out a tired groan and drop your head on your desk when you see you've got absolutely no evidence or any good resources to use at all.

"Great" You grumble....

Forgot how much I love this story, it was my first ever TikTok series so it has a special place on my heart.

Anyway tell me what yous think?

Cee ya beautiful sexy people later ;)

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