Chapter 14 - Its time...

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Parker Residence

It's now early in the morning during the weekend and you suddenly get woken up by your phone ringing.

And with your eyes still closed and half asleep, you lazily reach over to the night stand and search around for your phone, picking it up and bringing it to your ear.

"Hello?" You say groggily as your head hits the pillow again.

"Hey Parker, so it's time." You hear Happy say through the other end of the phone.

"It's time, great...yeah.." You say whilst sitting up in bed, still half asleep not really aware of the conversation or what exactly you're replying to.

"Parker?" Happy asks, clearly able to tell you're only half listening.

"Yeah-yeah I'm here" You say trying to wake up a little, yet still exhausted to actually understand what's really going on.

"Parker it's me Happy" He says trying to get you to register what's happening.

"It's time for you and Peter to come in" He says reminding you once again.

"Yeah, sounds great we'll be there" You say slurring your words at the end, still very much half asleep.

"Alright great, a car will be round for you in 15 minutes to bring you here" Happy says clearly okay with your reply, not aware you're not really paying attention still.

"Alright, thanks snappy" You say whilst yawning loudly.

"It's Happ- You know what never mind! Just get ready and don't be late!" He snaps before hanging up.

"Okay bye yappy" You say not knowing he already hung up, or even being aware of that whole thing.

You don't even have enough energy to put the phone back, your arm hanging off the side of the bed just lets the phone drop to the floor as your head hits the pillow again.

Whilst closing your eyes, feeling yourself dozing off again, you start to replay the phone call over in your head, to see if it was real or if you were just dreaming.

A few seconds later goes by and you snaps your eyes wide open, realising that all of that was very much real.

"Shit!" You curse at yourself as you sit up.

You then quickly stumble out of your bed, rushing to get ready and go wake up Peter before the car arrives.

As you're trying to get dressed quickly, you accidentally fall over in the process.

"Ouch!" You grumble into the floor.

You're so going to be late....

I know these are short but it's based off my tik tok story so the chapters will be short but it means I can get more out soon for yous.

Anyway hope you're excited for the next one.

Cee ya beautiful sexy people later ;)

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 13, 2022 ⏰

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