Chapter 11 - He knows...

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Parker Residence

It's been a few days since you were at the compound, you've been stuck up in your room, sitting at your desk working on the article....well trying to.

All you've managed to write so far, is how Wanda Maximoffs life is supremely busy all the time and is very dangerous with her job as an avenger.

Not once have you written about her love life, and at this moment in time you are very tempted to throw your computer out the window, quit your job and work at the pizza place to make pay.

You sigh heavy with frustration "How the hell am I going to do this" You mutter to yourself as you stare at your computer screen.

Peter suddenly bursts into your room "Hey you've been M.I.A for the last few days?" He says slightly concerned.

You sigh heavily as you run your hand through your hair "I know I'm sorry, work has just been keeping me really busy" You huff out exhausted.

He nods his head slowly as he starts to think "I think you need a break" he suggests crossing his arms over his chest as he leans against the door.

"Peter I can't, I have a deadline and I-" You go to say shaking your head no.

But he cuts you off "Come on Y/N/N, when was the last time you had any fun?" He says pointedly.

You don't say anything however, you honestly can't remember the last time you went outside.

Your long silence answers his question, making him look at you knowingly.

"Seeee, now come on let me help distract you from your stupid job and let's go have some fun" He says exactly how he always would when he was younger, always demanding he wanted to play.

You smile and shake your head at your little brother's presidency as you catch the basketball he throws your way without looking.

He beams with excitement when he sees you stand up.

"Ok I'll go, but only so I can beat your ass in basketball again" You tease with a playful smirk as you both begin to walk out of the apartment.

"Oh it's on" Peter scoffs as he snatches the ball from your hands, running away with it.


After playing some basketball for a few hours, you decided to get a quick bite of some pizza and head home.

You actually had a great time just hanging out with your little brother, completely forgetting about all your stressful things going on in your life until Peter had asked how your article is going on your walk home.

"So what are you gonna do? If you can't write anything?" He asks as you walk up some steps.

"I don't think I have a choice, my boss chose me for a reason to write this years best piece" You say as you both turn around a corner, your apartment coming into sight.

"I just hate what I have to do though" You grumble, remembering your assessment is to basically pry into some girls personal life.

"Yeah" He sighs agreeing, knowing there's nothing he could say or do to help you with this.

You guys eventually walk through the front door of the apartment and head straight towards the kitchen, completely ignoring aunt may in the living room.

"Ohh look who it is, told you they'd go straight for food" She chuckles, clearly talking to someone else.

You and Peter both look at each other confused on who aunt May was talking to so you both walk backwards and into the living room with confused faces.

But they instantly drop when you see Tony Stark sitting cozily on your couch beside her.

He smirks to himself before looking at you "Oh hey Y/N/N" He says slightly teasingly making you gulp nervously.

Peter looks at you confused at how he knows you.

"Uhh hi again" You say awkwardly, trying to ignore the knowing look he's giving you.

"Y-your Tony Stark! W-what are you doing here?" Peter says trying his hardest not to completely fan boy over him right now.

"Oh and I-I'm Peter" He stumbles on his words as he steps forward.

"What are you doing here?" You deadpan already getting fed up with this game.

"Well I just thought we could talk about that apprenticeship that I had offered when you came to visit the compound?" He says nonchalantly whilst winking at you, signalling for you to play along.

"You were at the compound?!" Peter asks whipping his head around to look at you shocked and slightly offended.

"Yes, sorry I'll tell you about it later" You say waving him off dismissively as you keep your slight glare on Mr Stark.

"But wait you got offered an apprenticeship and didn't tell me?!?" He buts in becoming more offended at all this sudden information.

"Uh hello! Or me for that matter!?!" Aunt May calls out offended too.

"Look I'm sorry but you both know I've been super busy with work" You say giving them both a look as if not to say a word about the article, giving the fact Wanda is one of Mr Starks colleagues.

They both silently nod in understanding.

"How about we go to your room to talk about it, bring your brother too?" Tony says breaking the somewhat awkward tension in the air whilst sending another wink your way.

Great, he totally knows....

Sorry for lack in updating this book, but hopefully I'll get more out soon especially since the good stuff is happening very soon too 😉

Tell me what you think though?

Cee ya beautiful sexy people later ;)

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