Chapter 13 - This is risky...

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Parker Residence

It's been a couple of days since your encounter with Tony Stark.

You are currently sitting with Peter in his room, going over your guys life decisions.

"So what, you think you should still write it??" Peter asks as he sits up from the bed, moving to now sit beside you on the edge.

"Well yeah, you heard Mr Stark he isn't going to be paying us yet until we pass training which will take three months, and the only reason I'm still living with you and aunt May is to help out with money which by the way if you haven't noticed, my job or Mays doesn't do that well with pay, but this assessment will give me enough money that will last us a while. So yes, in order to keep a roof over your head until after training, I will have to write it." You sigh out with frustration, your mind still stressed about everything.

You've always been the main caretaker of the house since Uncle Ben died, of course your Aunt May is there, but when Ben died, she was almost broken for a while, so it was up to you to take care of everyone.

"But you'll be working along side Wanda, eventually, she'll know you wrote it?" Peter points out another valid point to this all.

"It's fine, I can't ask to get taken off the assignment but I can maybe ask to put down a fake name when it's published." You say falling back onto Peters bed, starting to brainstorm some ideas of how to make this plan work.

"I don't know Y/N/N, this is risky" Peter says sighing out worriedly.

You hate it whenever he feels bad in any sort of way, he's your little brother and you've always taken care of him.

You sigh heavily before sitting back up, placing a comforting hand on to Peters shoulder "Look relax Peter, everything's going to be fine, now quit gabbering and let's see what you're wearing for your day with Mj." You say hoping to steer the topic of conversation, hating it when seeing him this stressed.

He instantly becomes red, and shoves you away playfully before you grab a pillow near by and smack him across the head with it.

Starting a pillow war when he grabs the other, smacking you back just the same, your heart easing when you see his happy face again....

Wow, been far too long since I've updated this.

Hopefully I'll get some more out soon since this story has already been written.

Cee ya beautiful sexy people later ;)

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