Chapter 9 - Uhhhh...

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Avengers Compound

You said goodbye to Vision as he walked you to Mr Stark, who was busy tinkering away on something in his lab.

You clear your throat before knocking on the already opened door "Uhh hi Mr Stark, I'm Y/N Parker, I'm here for the interview?" You say trying to get his attention.

"Oh, yeah, just a second kid" He says as he finishes his tinkering.

He then turns around and faces you fully "Daily bugle right?" He asks pointing his finger at you questioningly.

"Yes sir" You say nodding with a smile.

"Oh god 'sir' makes me sound ancient, ok do I look ancient? Answer me honestly here Parker do I look that old?" He asks genuinely making you confused if he's being serious right now or not.

"Uh n-no of course not" You say a little frantically, not wanting to upset him or anything.

"Okay I won't take the hesitation to heart, just call me Mr Stark" He says showing he was joking around, making you let out a relieved sigh.

"Okay, sorry Mr Stark" You say readjusting your posture nervously.

"All good, let's take a walk" He says smiling warmly at you before leading you out of the lab.


You and Tony have been walking around the compound talking all about Tony and his life's greatest works.

Your honestly lost for words with all the incredible stories he told you, and still find it hard to believe you've been walking around with literally Iron Man, whilst having him hook his arm over your shoulder as you chat away.

"I'm gonna be honest with you Y/N/N- can I call you Y/N/N?" He says and does a double take on the nickname.

You nod your head yes and continue to walk along side him.

"With all the things I've just told you that I've ever achieved, do you wanna know what my best accomplishment is" He says, smiling proudly to himself.

"What?" You ask looking over to him curiously.

"Morgan." He says simply with a bright smile.

"My daughter, if I had to trade in all my accomplishments for her...I would do it in a heart beat" He says confidently.

It makes your heart warm, seeing how soft Tony Stark can really be.

"You know you remind me of her" He says suddenly, taking you by surprise at the comment.

But before you could even reply, your spider senses starts to kick off and you quickly turn to your right to see a woman who's sticking up posters on a very high ladder, just about to fall off.

And so without thinking or having any hesitation, you practically bolt your way over and quickly grab her in your arms, as well as the falling ladder in one hand.

The quick senses and fast reflexes was seen as normal to you, but to any other person it was inhuman.

"Are you alright?" You ask putting her down and fixing the ladder back up.

"Y-yes thank you" She says gratefully, and unaware of how you manage to do that.

You then watch as she walks away, making sure she's alright first and can stand on her feet before it all hit you.

You just realised what you did, and who you did it in front of.

"Shit" You curse under your breath.

You nervously turn back around to see a very shocked and frozen Tony Stark staring at you with wide eyes.

"Uhhhh..." He mutters looking at you weirdly...

Sorry I haven't updated this in a while, I almost forgot and was mainly just focusing on my "The only one" book.

Anyway I should be updating this again soon :)

Cee ya beautiful sexy people later ;)

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