Chapter three; Better impression

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"No, Taehyun. We aren't staying today. Let's go!" 

"I'm tired!!... I barely had any sleep last night, could you just let me-" 

"I can't watch you running away every time Beomgyu Sunbaenim and his friends come-" 

"They won't call me today. They'd pick on someone else. Now let me sleep, will you?" 

"N. O. No! Come here!" Kai somehow made the latter stand up and dragged him out of the hall. 

"You are a fucking university student for God's sake! You can't be scared of the bullies anymore-" 

"They don't trouble you, do they?" Taehyun cuts him in, his hands pocketed and head hung low. 

"I know it's hard for you to deal with those, I know what you're going through, Taehyun. But this is University for Fuck's sake, people here won't get you. We just got outta High school and you're still the same. Don't let them use you-" 

"It's not that easy, Kai. I'm weak after what happened with my family, You are one of the few who knows it well... It's called anxiety for a reason-." Taehyun inhaled and exhaled,

"-My parents never should have fought, they should have at least kept it low so the people wouldn't know I was a fucking burden to them-" 

"Stop saying shit like that! Mrs. Kang loves You, I can admit that your father was one of a kind in a bad way but Auntie loves you. Trust me" Kai states, but Taehyun could never get off the things they fought over when he was young. 

"If everyone didn't know, I wouldn't have gotten bullied by fucking middle school kids... And up to today... Sheesh," Taehyun sighs, 

"Don't worry though, Me, Yeonjun-Hyung, Chaeryeong noona, Ryujin noona, Soobin-Hyung, and everyone's with you. But always remember, that there might be times where you have to deal with people like Kijoong alone." Hueka reminds and Taehyun hums in response. 

"I hate it." 

"I know you do. But I want you to Cheer up, Tyun. You'll be better than this soon" Kai nudged his side, earning a faint smile from Taehyun. 


A Burden.

A boy who is playing hard to get.


Being good-looking. 

Somewhat petite. 

Were just some unreasonable things Taehyun get picked for. He sometimes asks himself, 

'Am I that useless?' 

'Is having a fucking small frame wrong?' 

It sounds awfully unreasonable for him. Since middle school, he developed social anxiety. No one praised him for being 'Small' although he is tall af. 

No one called him anything good except his friends and the people who died over him, Of course. 

What's with society? 

It's scattered all over. Just like pieces of Taehyun's mind which get broken by how harsh some words are. 

Not that he doesn't get complimented. People love him. Girls die over him. Boys would be gay for him. 

He rejected the confessions he got. 


'How can I try to get to know someone when I don't even know myself?' 

𝐓𝐡𝐚𝐭 𝐬𝐡𝐨𝐮𝐥𝐝 𝐛𝐞 𝐦𝐞  ✔️  𝐓𝐚𝐞𝐠𝐲𝐮Where stories live. Discover now