Chapter twenty-seven; Love

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"I—I'm accepting the offer, I'll be leaving to Daegu now," Taehyun informs between his sobs, packing his bags currently, in his apartment, after he left Beomgyu's party later after the incident. 

Taehyun's crossed his limits. It can't be helped, he can't bear the pain anymore. He decides to leave, leaving his friends, Beomgyu, and everything he made up in HYBE. 

"Don't call me, Kai! Please!" Taehyun answers the ringing phone and yells out, then declining it, wiping his tears, and dumps his clothes into the luggage. 

He sneaked out of the party without anyone noticing. Yes, he got slapped in his cheek by Ryujin for saying he's leaving, 

Beomgyu didn't speak nor spare a glance at him. He started to take shots in the bar like a dumbass. 

Taehyun picks his phone up, sees the virally spreading posts on the phone. 'Getting paid for sleeping'. 

Taehyun groaned, biting his bottom lip to restrain himself from crying. 

At least he wished that Beomgyu would be there. But Taehyun waited, Beomgyu never fell for him. 

The theory of one-sided love won't work in Taehyun's case so there is nothing holding him back. 

Well, that's what he thought. 

He then zipped the luggage, not sparing time to clean the apartment or whatsoever, he left his apartment. 

The moment he stepped out, only deep thundering from the sky was the only audible sound. 

The rain was almost a storm, it thundered badly, and it was almost past ten o'clock. Taehyun didn't mind, he got down to the road after he thought he'd take a cab to Daegu. 

A small part of him hoped  that someone would call him out, 

He hoped that his nickname 'Jokkomi', 'Tyun', 'Kang', or anything would be called out. 

But nothing did even after he got soaked in water from the rain. 

"Fuck everything." 


"Let me go find him! We can't let him go—" 

"It's still Gyu's birthday." 

"He certainly isn't happy now that Taehyun is gone!!" Kai yells out, making Yeonjun click his tongue, and the boys and the two girls were frustrated. 

"It's raining outside. I'll go get him." Soobin tries to leave but Ryujin stops him. 

She then averts their friends' attention to her, 

"We can't. Taehyun is one of a kind, y'all know it! He won't change his decision unless—" 

"Unless Beomgyu convinces him." Ryujin looks at the boy and everyone frowned. Leaving everyone confused, Ryujin walked up to Beomgyu.

She stood in front of him, sighing and-

and slapped him on his cheek. 

"Get up." 


"Get the fuck up, Beomgyu! Do you not hear me?" Ryujin growls, staring into his soul and Beomgyu gets up, feeling a Lil threatened by the glare. 


"Ryujin, what the hell—" 

"Is this who I was dating? A dumb fucking idiot who can't figure—" Ryujin smacks his head, "Out—" She smacks him once more,

𝐓𝐡𝐚𝐭 𝐬𝐡𝐨𝐮𝐥𝐝 𝐛𝐞 𝐦𝐞  ✔️  𝐓𝐚𝐞𝐠𝐲𝐮Where stories live. Discover now