Special Chapter cuz why not?

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It wasn't a sunny day, nor there were birds singing melodiously. On a gloomy, rainy, and a dark day, Beomgyu slowly opens his eyelids, being welcomed by the sound of the raindrops hitting the windows,

The first thing he does is smile to himself, it's always been like this, Ever since he and his lover moved in together and got official, Beomgyu started most of his days being all smiley.

Beomgyu's hand searches for someone and as expected, he feels Taehyun's soft hair, raking itself on his fingers, He pulls the sleeping boy closer and kisses the tip of his nose,

"Jokkomi?" He softly calls out but to no avail, Taehyun's too immersed in his dream. The purple-haired snuggles his cheek against Beomgyu's chest and whines,

"Fine, I'll let you sleep," Grumpily, Beomgyu kisses his cheek and gets off the bed, and prepares to make breakfast for Taehyun,

After a few minutes, he walks back in with some toast and a smoothie, cutely decorated on a plate, and settles it on the bedside table.

"Taehyun-ah, Wake up, Hyung made your food!!" He taps him on his cheek and Taehyun clicks his tongue and quickly settles his head on Beomgyu's lap, and Beomgyu is so damn used to him being the clingy baby he is.

"Come on, don't you love a banana smoothie?"

the smaller one opens one of his eyes and sits up, pouting, wraps his arms around Beomgyu and rests his face on Beomgyu's shoulder, and shuts his eyes, wanting to sleep.

He's almost like an inseparable gum.

"Taehyun..." Beomgyu sighs, rubs his chin on his hair and snakes his hands onto Taehyun's waist, and properly settles him on the bed.

"Hey, remember, we have to go adopt the pup today, so, Hyung wants you to eat up and get ready, Oki?"


Beomgyu ruffles some of his purple hair and leaves the room after pampering him with small kisses.


The two boys arrived at the pet shop, holding their hands as they walked in and the owner greeted the couple warmly,


"Uh, hey, we... are searching for a pup, of course." Beomgyu sheepishly smiles and the owner hosts them to the puppies,

"Aww Hyung. they look adorable~" Taehyun jumps tinily in excitement and Beomgyu nods, searching for the lucky puppy.

They go past a dalmatian, a small chihuahua, and then a pomeranian.

"Taehyunnie, how about this little fella over here?" Beomgyu stops by a pomeranian that was wagging its tail at Beomgyu, but Taehyun was a little far away, talking with the owner,

"Jokkomi?" Beomgyu walks over, casually guarding Taehyun by holding his waist tightly,

"Hyung, I think this is the one."

Beomgyu looked where Taehyun was looking, only to find a small retriever, literally adorable as it looked at Beomgyu,

but when it stood up only, Beomgyu raised it had only three legs,

"You wanna adopt her?"

"I-- uh, yeah, she looks like she needs love, can we?" His boba eyes turned to Beomgyu and Beomgyuwas so grateful that Taehyunwas his at that moment.

"Of course, baby, Anything you want. We'll take her home!" He informs and Taehyun smiles, his dimples popping out,

After they got the pup, they exited the shop with the dog in Beomgyu's arms, Taehyun just watched and followed Beomgyu from behind.

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