Chapter twelve; Complicated

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"God Taehyun, did someone food poison you??" Beomgyu clicked his tongue, walking back to the boy who started to throw up once again, 

Right after Taehyun asked him to stay over. 

"I- Hy-Hyung, were green pe-peas there in the t-thingie we ate?" Taehyun asks, tears falling as he was absurdly sick. 

"Oh, shit! Don't tell me you're allergic?! Yah, we both literally ate green pea with Pasta!!" Beomgyu exclaims, shaking his head in disbelief. 

"I— I forgot, H-Hyung-" The boy lays back on the bed and Beomgyu discards the plastic bag and returns back to the boy. 

"See, now I must stay cause you're badly sick!! Dumb ass!" Beomgyu sighed and smacked the younger's hand. 

"S-sorry... I-I should have been more careful—" 

"Don't talk." Beomgyu shushed him up. 

"Gosh... It's past twelve" He sighed. Beomgyu then scooted onto the same bed, tugging the duvet over both of them, catching the younger off guard. 

Taehyun jolted, turning around to see his favorite person on his bed, right next to him, staring into his soul. 

'FUCK' He widened his eyes. 

"W-w-w-what are you doing???" Taehyun stammered. 

"Keeping an eye on one of my friends." Beomgyu simply responded. 


"Relax, Jokkomi. We are both guys" 

'And I'm mother fucking gay!! And you are... Gay... Too.. ' Taehyun picked up his 'I see no logic' pace and sighed. 

"You don't get it—" 

"I'll kiss— I mean, punch you— No, no, kiss you if you won't be quiet and sleep. One will lead to another, Ryujin will  know you, who she looooves kissed her boyfriend and everything will be—" 

"Fine! Just... Just sleep. I'm tired-" 

"That's a good boy. Now, tell me if you want sumn, okay?" Beomgyu asks and Taehyun lets out a tiny 'hmm' in response. 

Taehyun couldn't sleep though, it wasn't even his sickness, it was Beomgyu who kept him awake. 

Fuck, he likes him. 

What if he loses his self-control?! 

What if he suddenly gets an urge to kiss him?! 

Sudden confession? 

'No, Taehyun!' Taehyun chants repeatedly, shuffling on the bed but a hand clasps over him, pulling him a little closer. 

"Sleep, Kang. I'm tired already—" 


The Taller was too stunned to speak, as the small squirrel causally bit him on the arm. *In animal geographic channel's host voice*

"OUCH- WHAT ARE YOU, A SQUIRREL?!" Beomgyu jolts, wakes up, and rubs his hand in pain. 

"I told you—" 

"You don't have to bite me every day, Taehyun!" 

"Then don't touch me... I— I don't like physical touch—" 

"God, fine!! Sleep, savage squirrel, Sleep!!" Beomgyu pushes him back onto the bed, pouting as he turns to the other side after dramatically yelling at the latter. 

"Night, Hyung—" 

"Oh shut the fuck up" Beomgyu hisses. Taehyun weakly giggles and silence take place for about twenty seconds or so. 

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