Chapter four; Romance novel

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"Come along, then." Beomgyu reached his hand out to hold Ryujin's hand. the two intertwined their fingers and smiled at each other.

"Is it fun? Which department are we heading to?" Chaeryeong who had herself clinging to Ryujin asks the boys.

"No, we should really go to the hall Sunghoon's in!!" Somi squealed, earning a sick-and-tired look from Hyunjin.


"Yall are way too straight" He wriggled his shoulders, earning a chuckle from his Jeongin.

The boys were on their way to have some fun after their lecture, but as promised, Beomgyu had to let Ryujin tag along. and her group of friends decided to come as well. 

"Kaja" Hyunjin peeked into the hall and smiled, he then opened the door widely, letting the girls come in.

"Uhh, what do we do today? special guests are here~" The first-year students groaned, disappointed by the seniors' presence.

"Jay~ Would you sing for us?" Everyone took their seats, Beomgyu too grabbed a chair and walked to the very corner, where he got the perfect view of the upper row, where Taehyun happened to be sitting.

"Oh, there he is" He mumbled to himself as Jay started to sing whatever.

"Taehyun-ah? Get your fucking nose off that book, he is watching you" Kai informed, Taehyun didn't hear though,

With his glasses stuck right on his toned nose, his eyes went through each and every word on the fiction he was reading.

Taehyun loves romance novels.

Probably because he doesn't know what romance is, exactly.

Or he just likes the smut chap-

Definitely not the latter. Hopefully!!

"The amount of disrespect..." Beomgy mumbled to himself, shaking his head but Taehyun was way too focused,

The glasses sometimes would slip down but he tapped the middle to make it go back up, his red locks were messed up by how many times he raked his hands through it. 

His big, doe eyes that looked like two big pearls would slowly and enthusiastically go through whatever the fuck he's reading.


"Kang Taehyun?"

"Yah, pabo-ya!"

Kai internally screamed, but the boy is either dead with his eyes open or too immersed in the fiction.

"God, Kang..." Hueka sheepishly smiled when Beomgyu glimpsed at him and Kai glanced at Taehyun. But, 

The eyes never left the book. 

'What the fuck is he even reading? Heavy smut or sumn?' Beomgyu was now curious, he glanced to the side, the girls and the boys were having a disco party while the younger one's sang.

'Pretty' He thought at the sight of Ryujin, giggling and clapping to support the singing. 

He then slowly got up, walking the steps up, and stood next to Taehyun with his hands pocketed, thinking he might notice.

"Tyun??" Kai tried to call out.

Okay, he might conclude that his best friend is either def or blind now.


A hand was slammed against the page of the book, waking Taehyun up from the world inside the novel and he looked up, his eyes confusingly staring into the older boy's eyes.

𝐓𝐡𝐚𝐭 𝐬𝐡𝐨𝐮𝐥𝐝 𝐛𝐞 𝐦𝐞  ✔️  𝐓𝐚𝐞𝐠𝐲𝐮Where stories live. Discover now