Red Flags

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For those who voted in Al's unofficial poll, yes, this fic was #2 on the list and was the most requested.

Description: Hikaru knows things before they could happen, or atleast has an idea that something is going to happen. Not because he is naturally a smart kid, or that he has an eye for details (although they're both true), but it's something else entirely.


Hikaru was seven.

He was just minding his own business, sitting on the couch while watching TV when something dug deep into his right hand. The blue-haired boy cried, dropping the remote and clenching his hand. It was nothing like he felt before. Then the pain was gone just as fast, leaving numbness in its wake as he rubbed his palm.

There were no scratches or bruises on it, nor any trace that the hand had definitely been injured. He sat still, waiting for another shot of pain to occur just to make sure if it was something that he should be telling his parents about... but it didn't, so he let it slide.

Two days later, his little brother Hyuga was sent to the hospital after slicing his right palm open with a knife on accident. Seeing his brother sitting on that hospital bed, wearing a gown while waving his bandaged hand, Hikaru's right hand twitched.

Safe to say that the redhead stayed away from the kitchen for months after he was discharged.

He was nine when it happened again.

"Mrs. Aomori will be here in a minute, okay? Take care."

He nodded. Although he wanted more of his mother's carresses on his face, he knew that she and her father needed sometime alone from work. It was why they planned a date, after all.

"That's not fair, why can't we come?" Eight-year old Hyuga pouted. Hikaru saw how their parents looked at each other, considering, so he stepped up.

"Because then they would be busy looking out after us when they're supposed to be having a good time. You don't want that, do you?"

Hyuga looked horrified, shaking his head. "I'm sorry, I just wanted to spend more time with you," he murmured, looking at the pair.

"Don't worry, my star." Their mother put her hands on the two's shoulders, then reached out to carress the birthmarks on their cheeks with her thumb. They were her suns, her stars.

Hyuga melted, leaning to the touch. It was one thing he inherited from their mother. Hikaru was tense, not really used to touch even after the countless tackles he got from his brother, but he smiled nonetheless.

"We'll be back before you know it," their father said, dressed in a brown suit. Their mother wore an embroidered, peach dress that reached her knees.

Hikaru remembered their situation and yelped. "Mom, Dad, you're gonna be late!"

"Oh dear." Their mother stood up, brushed her dress and looked at the watch on her pulse. She clicked her tongue, grabbing her spouse by the arm and ushering him outside. He chuckled, resting a hand on hers. "Alright, kids. Take care!"

"We will!" Hikaru assured them and shut the door as soon as they left. Better safe than sorry.

He puffed up his chest, turning to his brother to tell him what to do while their parents were away and... he's gone. He looked around, worried for a moment but the tell-tale sound of videogame music reached his ears. Hikaru sighed and gazed at the quartz clock above the wall. Eight fourty-nine. It's almost snacktime.

He entered the kitchen, picking up one of the wooden chairs and dragged it across the tiled floors towards a spot below the pantry. Climbing up, he stood atop the chair and opened the pantry. It was empty, apart from a few cracker sandwiches.

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