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So uh yeah, yet another self-indulgent fic LOL, and this time, it is pretty much tailored to my tastes, and by that I mean that this would definitely be the kind of fic I would read even if it has poor grammar and punctuation (which is one of my greatest pet peeves, btw).

As for those wondering where the description/summary is, well, that's a secret.

Nah, jk. I just thought it would be better if you went through this blind the first time.

But if you're better off reading that first, skip to the very end of this chapter. Just a warning, it may spoil the chapter for you.

Enjoy, bunnies!


Cheers erupted in the stadium as confetti surrounded a pair of bladers. They wore huge smiles on their faces, waving at the crowd as they celebrated their win.

This was the Hizashi brothers' first win in an international tournament, and boy, did their smiles threatened to rip their faces with how glad they were!

Behind them, Lain scoffed with a smirk on his face. Shu glanced at him in relief. They might have lost today, but he considered this a win seeing how Lain has changed during the match.

In the stands, Aiger yelled his congratulations as loud as he could, which, in true Aiger fashion, meant cupping his mouth with his hands and yelling really really loud.

Valt gave a grin on his own, sending a fond look at Shu. "You did it," he whispered.

He missed the look Aiger gave him. The Achilles blader's gaze then followed to where he was looking at, and he too heaved a sigh of relief.

Both Legends were glad that history had not repeated itself this time. Looks like there was nothing to worry about, not when bladers like Hikaru and Hyuga, who embodied the true nature of the sport, were still present.

But right now, the state of the blading world is the one thing they should be least concerned about.

In the stands, a man in a plain brown shirt and faded jeans stood as he leaned on the wall. The phone in his hand vibrated, which he then raised to his ear. "Yes, Boss? Yes, I am in the venue... Yes, you were right. They do have potential..."

The haze in his eyes cleared a bit as he focused on the pair of brothers below, especially at the younger one who was trapped in a hug with Hikaru as they laughed. Especially him...

His attention was brought back by the person over the phone. "No, don't worry. No one recognized me."

The clamor in the stadium overshadowed his exit as he had no more reason to stay. The people continued to cheer for the winners, unaware that a dangerous person had just crashed to their party uninvited.

Later that afternoon, the Hizashi brothers sat on the beach, admiring the sunset. Lain stood behind them a few feet away, giving the brothers some space.

"Man," Hikaru sighed, leaning back. "This day was one heck of a ride, wasn't it?"

Hyuga giggled. "But it was the best day I've ever had! We won against Shu, Aiger and Valt, Hikaru! What else can top that?"

"Now that I think about it, nothing comes to mind." Then, a smirk appeared on his face. "Unless I go ahead and challenge Aiger for a title match."

A gasp. "No! I'm going first!"

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Jul 22, 2023 ⏰

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