It's My Turn

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Description: Hikaru has always been the one looking out for Hyuga and is often the one who takes care of him. What people failed to see is how Hyuga tries to do the same for Hikaru, albeit in his own special way. He just didn't know how to convey it the same way Hikaru does.

Hyuga's POV because pog.


The Hizashi brothers might be almost the same age, but one look at their personalities and people can tell who among them was the older or younger one. Hyuga didn't mind it as much - he liked the idea of not carrying any of the responsibility and it did seem like Hikaru knew his way around, if his confidence was any indication.

Though sometimes Hyuga wondered if there was a time when Hikaru wasn't really okay with having to shoulder everything and he failed to notice.

Hyuga got up from his bed, stretching his arms. "Morning," he mumbled out of habit, voice rough from sleep. Weird, Hikaru didn't wake him up this time.

"Hyuga, it's still nighttime."

"It is?" He opened his eyes, glancing at the quartz clock in their bedroom. Hyuga looked back at Hikaru, who was sitting on their shared desk, the younger boy pointing at the clock. "It says-"

"It's broken," the blue-haired boy replied. "It's around... 1 AM, I think?"

"That late already?"

Hikaru turned to his right, picking up his phone from the desk and turning it on, the screen reflecting on the reading glasses that he wore. Hyuga wasn't sure if it was just because of the lighting, but did his brother's face look paler than usual?

"One fourty-six already? Aw, man." He grumbled, putting his phone down and raising a pen in the air, looking back down at whatever he was doing previously. Based on the tap-tap-tap sound Hyuga could hear from his direction, Hikaru was bouncing his leg.

Hyuga blinked slowly, trying to recover from his sleep. "What are you still doing up?"

"Hmm? Oh, just this project due on Monday. I'm finishing it up so we can go to the amusement park tomorrow."

"Oh." Right. They did promise that, or more like Hyuga convinced Hikaru and their parents to let them go on their own. "You can still finish it tomorrow? You need some sleep, Hikaru."

"Can't. I have to finish this today."

Hyuga grumbled, kneeling forward. "I can't fall asleep if you don't fall asleep. Get to bed!"

Hikaru paused, whipping his head towards him and shushing him with a finger on his lips. "You can," he harshly whispered. "You've been doing the same thing since we were young, you can do it again."

And with that, he turned back to his desk, bouncing his leg again.

He crossed his arms, pouting. "When did I ever..."

Something, a memory from yesterday night, pulled into the surface of Hyuga's mind. He had been lying on the same spot, fighting the sleep in his magenta eyes as he spotted Hikaru's sitting form in the same spot he was now. Hyuga didn't pay it much attention, thinking that it was one of those nights where Hikaru would be up until 9 PM researching or doing homework to make himself fall asleep.

There's other things that Hyuga started to recall. Hikaru's tired voice when he woke Hyuga up the next morning. The sheepish smile Hikaru displayed upon realizing that he poured water into his cereal instead of milk. The feeling of his own racing heart when he pulled Hikaru back up by his uniform, right after the older boy tripped on his own two feet on the way to school.

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