Chapter eleven

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Omniscient Pov
2 weeks later

Angie rolled her eyes as she heard moaning coming from Miko's room . It was only her , Miko , Saint and Armani there so if she wasn't getting the penis she knew that Armani was .

Minutes later Miko walked out the room in sweatpants and a white beater . "Goodmornin " he said walking to the fridge to start breakfast for them .

"Where is Saint " he asked , and she turned his way and mugged "he's still asleep " she said and he smacked his lips "you was just complaining how he's up all night but you allow him to sleep all morning "Miko fussed .

Angie sucked her teeth "you done " she said before cutting the tv up . She sat there watching the tv but whole time she felt numb .

Yeah she had a son who loved her , but she needed companionship she needed someone to love her in ways her son couldn't .

Armani walked in feeling the tension in the room and she chuckled, "Goodmornin were is my boyfriend at " she said referring to Saint .

"Bi-he's asleep " Miko said cutting Angie off for the past week Angie has been catching attitudes with Armani and Miko has been trying to play them off .

Armani laughed "imma let that slide because I got school but bitch remember this Miko can't always save you " she said walking away .

"Why you keep starting with her " Miko asked . She rolled her eyes "Because I don't like her " she retorted.

"Okay why you don't like her, you barely even know her . You walked in off the gate mad dab about her , this her house to and you gone respect that . Mani ain't did shit to nobody this girl barely know you and she be checking on yo son . In reality Angie you really need to get your shit together and fast " he said .

Angie just started crying and she woke up Saint and he began to cry . Armani in the room hearing the boy cry she instantly rushed to his comfort .

"Wassup Saint why you crying " she asked him and rubbed his face "because I hear mommy crying and that makes me sad" he said .

Armani mentally chuckled "baby your mom is just having a bad day okay , we all have bad days " she said trying to calm him down .

"Is mommy gone be okay " he asked and she frowned by the question "I hope so " she said .

Seconds later the crying stopped and then Miko walked into the room . "Danm thank you " he said smiling .

"He's fine now , but between me and you , you and his momma need to get it together honestly " she said walking out the door it was now time for her to go to school and she was honestly happy to be getting out of that house .


"Mmm bitch what's on yo neck " Mikari said sitting down at the lunch table and Armani rolled her eyes "I'm seeing someone " she said she didn't want anybody to know that she has been sleeping with Miko . Well they ain't fuck he was just eating her out .

"Who " she asked and Armani mugged "Makari you gone know when you know . You know I love you but I'm not ready to pop out with this one just yet " she said and Kari rolled her eyes "what ever but bitch I gotta talk to you " Mikari said looking at her friend .

"Lace me up " she said .

"Girl so one day when you decided not to come yo ass to practice and Miko wasn't answering his phone I had to walk and guess who decided to pick me up " she said and Armani just looked at her friend "who " she asked .

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