Chapter 35

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Omniscient pov

Iya and Miko walked into the office that Lady Noel was killed in .  "It's still smell like death in here " she said and he just looked around "I mean I don't smell nothing " he said and she laughed .

"Cause your a serial killer " she said and he mugged . She went digging through her desk seeing a paper with words on it .

"Looks like Noel was onto Krystal " she said and s
he looked at him not understanding "I don't understand I thought they was business partners " he said .

"Nah it says that Noel knew Kyrstal was stealing product " she said .

"Do you see an address " he asked and she shook her head no .  Out of frustration she got mad and start throwing things around the office while Miko just sat there smoking .

Who was he to interrupt

After about five minutes she stopped and just broke down crying . He sighed getting up walking to her "man iya what's wrong " Miko asked .

"I just wanna find everybody who had something to do with my past that was bad and just kill them . I have a daughter and I'm engaged to the love of my life. I don't have time for it " she said .

"Look I have twins on the way , I'm out here . And as much as I wanna get mad and throw shit like you I'm not cause I know every move I'm making is to make sure my family good " he said and she nodded her head .

"Thank you Meek " she said giving him a hug before sitting down going through the papers finding what she needed.


Miko sat in his bed watching Grey Anatomy when Armani as he rubbed on her belly . "Man I can't wait for them to come man " he said .

"I'm ready to , Zy'Mir ass be getting on my nerves and I know it's him because he kicks harder then Za'Naya " she complained .

"Not you mad , it's almost over with tho we got 2 more months " he said before kissing her stomach .

"I can't wait , I wish my dad wasn't such an ass hole you know " she said crying .

He sighed before comforting her , this wasn't the first time she had brought this up . "Man I'm sorry momma , but look you got me and my people . When have never not had yo back " he said .

"Umm when you cheated on me with Wavy " she said .

He sat there in silence and didn't say nothing. Moments later Saint walked in . He was three now so he was more independent then he already was .

"Mani can I rub the baby " he said and she nodded her head lifting him in the bed .

He rubbed his stomach while Miko just looked at her . He ain't even know she was still in her feelings about Wavy .

"I ain't know you was mad about that still "he said grabbing her attention.

"I mean it did happen six months ago , and I'm not completely over it . But I'm growing to forgive you . I just honestly want my kids to have a better life than me " she said rubbing on saint's face .

"Look I'm sorry , ion even know where my mind at was at when that shit happened ." he said .

"Mm perhaps the gutter " she said laughing .


The guys sat in the truck smoking "aye what y'all naming the baby " Miko asked Churo .

"Shit Chilean Emanuel Orio" he said and Mell laughed "I can't believe you having a baby with my ex " he said .

And Devin mugged him "and my nigga who gives a fuck , she been my bitch way longer tho " he said and Mell smacked his lips .

"Aye cut that shit out , how my  niece " Miko asked Mell .

"Man you know Denari got her living in Florida with y'all pops . " Mell said and Miko mugged him "ion have a daddy that man stopped fuck with me when that went down with Angie " he said shrugging his shoulders hitting the blunt .

"How them twins " Kavien said rolling up another wood . And Miko cheesed "man I'm just waiting that's why I'm trynna get all this shit done before they come " he said .

"I know that's right that's how it was with Ari she was born a few months ago . And we ain't have our shit cleaned up man a bitch dry came took my baby . Iya fucked her ass up tho " he said .

After they was done smoking the pulled up to the wear house that Kyrstal kept her supply of drugs at .

"Man this shit nice , after we kill her me and Devon might as well keep this hoe . Since you leaving and becoming a business man and shit " Mell said .

"Hell yeah I'm done  , I got family now " Miko said .

After a while Kavien broke in and they walked in with there guns already off safety .   They all split up Miko went to the office looking for shit .

"Man this bitch krystal got hell of pictures off her and her this baby" Miko said and the lights cut off .

"You think y'all can't just raid my shit " her voice bombed through the building but you couldn't see her .

Seconds later men ran into the building guns blazing . Since Kyrstal knew some old dirty cops like her she recruited them .

Miko grabbed the file that read IYA's information and came out the office shooting back . Once they got out of there all alive they hopped into the black truck speeding off .


Miko pulled out the file giving it to iya who held a sleeping baby girl .  She looked at up him "you mind washing your hands then holding her for me . I kinda wanna get a good read " she said and he nodded his head doing what was told .

After skimming through the file she called her uncle letting her know who had her parents killed . She talked to him for a good 30 minutes before hanging up the phone .

"In three months we will be in Detroit taking care of this bitch " she said and Miko shook his head "we can't go before then imma be under my kids still "he said .

"No we can't , I know how you feel trust me . But we have to lay low . Y'all barely escaped this raid . And if you think for one second imma let my man go and get killed and leave my daughter with out a father your fucking crazy . It's to hot we leave in three months "she said taking her baby back walking out .


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