Chapter 2: Uncle Henry

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Michael was on the verge of shitting his pants. 

Here he is, walking to the place he would be working at from now on, after being hired by a family friend he could've sworn died ages ago. 

Michael stops in his tracks, crouching down to the ground hands on his hood.

Michael couldn't tell which was worse.. the fact that Uncle Henry was alive and kicking or that he now had zero clue on how to kill his dad and free the souls within those animatronics.  If we're being real honest right now, Michael never actually...had a plan for this.  He had the idea, but not the plan.


Michael presses his hands down further on his head pushing his face inbetween his thighs.  Poor man.  Life just seemed to have it in for this guy, but to be fair, he did get his little brother killed. A life for a life to make everything right! Life is priceless, as that one saying goes.  You can't exactly pay it back, but you can make up for all the things you did.

"Uhm, excuse me, sir are you alright?"

A sweet voice pulls Michael out of his head, causing him to immediately stand up straight.  Not looking at the person who spoke, Michael says nothing and continues his walk to the job.

"Mommy, why he ourple?"

"Genevieve what did I say about talking about people's appearances..and what do you mean ourple?"


Michael reaches the place at last. He swallows harshly, hands lightly tremebling as he stares up at the sign.

"No place like home I guess."

Michael reaches for the door handle, pulling open the door to the freshly renovated place.  He's met with silence and hot air. Okay, not too bad, definitely mangable. 

Michael steps inside the building, closing the doors behind him. Surveying the place, Michael notices that it could use some work. Once he gets the money, getting new flooring and wall, is definitely going to be the first thing he works on.

"Well I'll be,"

Michael snaps his head towards the voice, going still with shock at the person before him.

"Michael... You look like you've been to hell, stayed for a bit, and came back."

"I haven't left though." Michael says, speaking quickly without a second thought.

Henry smiles. 'Not much seemed to have changed with him,' Michael thinks.  Matter of fact, Henry appeared to have on the same suit that he had when he first left.  There was, though, a type of air around him that made Michael uncertain.  Was this really Uncle Henry, and if so, what..happened to him?

Henry moves closer to Michael, to which Michael cautiously takes a step back.  There's a silence between the two, observing eyes watching Henry, taking in his appearance.

Then, without warning, Michael rushes at Henry, throwing his arms around the older man, and burying his head into the crevices of the older man's neck. So many emotions filled Michael, he wanted to breakdown and cry, like a little kid that has finally been found after being lost and alone for so long.  Henry slowly returns the hug, lightly patting Michael's back.  A surge of warmth floods Michael's chest, causing him to squeeze Henry tighter. He felt young, human, and real again. He could feel that he was still himself, despite being different.  Michael could finally-

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