Chapter 7: Grand Opening pt.2

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It was taking forever to order and print the things Michael needed. The computer had lagged out twice already, causing the printer to glitch out and jam.

"Stupid technology can't do shit fast enough."

Two painfully long hours had gone by since the restuarant opened and here Michael was just sitting in an office chair struggling to get any of his tasks done.  He is almost done though, just needed this last...order..of...cups-


Michael stands abruptly, inhaling sharply.

"I'm going to get some air, I..I can't with this right now."

Michael takes the goofy yet cute bear mask and puts it on before leaving. 

As he makes his way down the hall, the smell of pizza floods his dull senses, causing him to walk faster. Upon reaching the main dining area, Michael makes sure to stay in the shadows as to not alarm anyone with his presence.

"Excuse me sir."

Michael quickly spins on his heel to face the person that called him.

"Woah, sorry for startling you. I just... Mr.Afton??"

Michael slides the bear mask to the side of his face, revealing his face covered by the smaller blue surgical mask.

"Ah, I-I didn't expect it to be you cruising in the shadows so.. suspiciously."

Michael blinks at Max.

"..uh, uhm.  Came out for pizza I presume? The parents and kids love it- and I've been hoping that I could get myself some when I get a chance too haha.."

"Ah, ahaha yes, you..would you like me to.. to bring you back a slice?"

Max's eyes go big.

"Oh no, I mean yes, but if you're busy I don't want to be a bother..." He scratches his neck, eyes nervously glancing from Michael, to the floor, then off to the side.

Michael stares at Max, before saying, "Well I don't mind bringing you a slice."

"Really, are ya sure?"

Despite the short man's hesitation, his eyes were practically begging Michael.

"Yes I'm sure, I'm on my break anyway."

"Ah thank you thank you, oh wait," Max puts his hand in his pocket and takes out his wallet.

"Oh, you don't have to pa-"

"Nonsense, I just got this job and the last thing I'm going to do is make my boss pay for me."

Max gets out a twenty and hands it to Michael, who accepts it hesitantly.

He pulls the larger mask back over his face as he turns and continues on walking to the counter, a smile making its way onto his lips.  He wasn't exactly the best at socializing, but that small talk between him and his employee definitely went better than expected.

Michael makes his way up to the counter just in time as a customer places their order and walks away to wait.

"Hi welcome to Fazbear's Pizzeria, what can I get for you...Mr.Afton?"

"Ah, yes hi, Daniel, uhm...I was wondering if the kitchen wouldn't mind sparing some cheese pizza for a hungry worker heh... I'll pay for it of course."

Daniel stares blankly at Michael.

"Yeeaah- 'course, sorry, spaced out for a second there."

David purses his lips as he types in the order on the screen in front of him, eyes glancing up suspiciously to Michael randomly.  Michael hands him a few dollar bills and is given a receipt with his order number.

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