!April Fools!

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Baby jumps forward, lunging at Michael. Michael ducks shoving his shoe in the bots face.

"Not today you Circus house reject!"

Scrap Baby gasps.

"You know what, that's why you look like yo daddy, ugly ass motherfucker."

Michael freezes, crumbling to the ground with violent sobs.

"That's why you bald under all that, bald headed roach. I just know you got spiders hanging out in your room."

Scrap Baby uses her claw to slice Michael up and she strings his body parts, still connected by wires, up around the room like spaghetti.

"The only thing you'd ever be useful for is haunted house decor." Scrap Baby says as she climbs back into the vents.

Michael continues to violently sob and it wakes Helpy, who was sleeping peacefully , up.

"Oh my god, why are you bitching so late in the day, dont you have work to d- DAMN!"

Helpy's eyes go wide at the sight of Michael strung across the wall like christmas decor.

"Isn't it a bit early for Halloween decor?"

Tears fall from Michael's face to the floor as he tries to speak.

"S-s-she said I look like...like...like my father."

"Well shit, I bet you do, bless ya mom's heart. Seeing you every morning to breast feed you must've been a jump scare."

"My mom loved me."

"Nah, I just know she's rolling in her casket over that lie you just said."

Michael continues to cry and sob when Henry walks in.

"Hey Michael can you- HOLY FUCK!"

"H-Henry help me."

"Michael now is not the time to be slacking off, how many times do I have to tell you this!" Henry crosses his arms.

"He's been like that since I woke up, I doubt he got any work done," Helpy says as he shakes his head with disappointment.

Henry growls. "Fine, I guess I have to do everything around here."

Henry somehow finds all the rest of the animatronics and drags them on his bare back all the way back to the restuarant, where he douses them with gasoline and lights them on fire. He runs to the main dining room where all the parents stare at him in love struck shock.

"Everyone who wants to live follow me!"

The parents follow big dick Henry out of the building as the place is engulfed in flames and explodes behind them.

Moral of the story, becoming a halloween decoration is no excuse to slack off on the job.

I just wanted to write something stupid for today, I will change the title later so people don't get confused and legitimately think this is apart of the story💀🤞🏽. Chapter 9 will come out later today or this weekend!

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