Chapter 8: Helpy

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The next morning came quicker than Michael would have liked it to. He winced as light made its way to his eyes, temporarily blinding him.

"Mm, five more minutes."

Michael clutches his cover closer to his body as he turns away from the light. He was still mostly sleep, who could blame him though, his bed was practically the equivalent to what a princess slept on. Nice plush pillows, a big toasty comforter, what more could a depressed person want. Of course, we wouldn't want to have a repeat of yesterday. 

"Wake up silly, you're gonna be late!"

Michael groans, lying in bed a second more before bolting upwards.

"Woah, careful there! You almost knocked me off, I am fragile don't ya know!"

Michael looks around the room frantically before settling on a blurry figure moving to sit atop his bed side dresser.


He rubs his eyes, looking back at the figure. It was a small white and light purple little bear with big blue eyes and a top hat staring at him with a disappointed look as it placed its hands on its hips. It was like.. a cuter version of Funtime Freddy minus the bunny... maybe even some weird love child between the two seeing as the little bear had buck teeth. ...Did Bon Bon have buck teeth?


"Henry would be very disappointed in you if you came in late again."

Michael stares at the tiny bear trying to get his thoughts in order. What type of fever dream was he having now? The bear stares back at him before looking away with a cringe.

"Golly you are ugly, it doesn't even matter what side of the bed you wake up on- AH!"

Michael clenches his fist around the colorful bear, bringing it closer to him. He glances it over, then looks to the torn up wrapping paper sitting upon the dresser.

"So this was Henry's little gift to me," He stares back at the robot, a memory flashing through his mind.

"Once again I am confused by him. Is he being pitiful or caring?"

The tiny bear glares at Michael who absentmindedly continues to clutch him.

"Why'd he make this and give it to me, I literally have no use for it-"

Michael immediately softens his hold on the bear, shaking his hand violently as the bear digs its two front teeth into his skin.

"Aye, I may be a corpse but that still kind of hurts! Let go!"

Michael thrusts his hand out, causing the little bear to lose grip and come off, flying straight into the floor.  The resounding crack the bear makes when it hits the floor causes Michael to forget all irritation towards it and he crawls frantically to the edge of his bed and stumbles to the floor beside the tiny animatronic.

"What the fuck are you okay, are you alive..oh my god Uncle Henry's gonna kill me when he finds out I broke you... if I broke you...are you broken- it sounded like you broke something- Oh my god, I'm never accepting anything that man gives me from here on out...fuck. What should I do?"

Michael picks up the little bear and looks it over.  If he still had a heart, it would be beating rapidly right now.  A soft click sounds and the tiny bear suddenly is online again, moving its hand to hold its head.

"Uggghhh, didn't I tell you I was fragile?"

Michael sighs as he runs his free hand over his face.

"Yikes, you've got some messy insides."

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